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Angle is formed by two rays intersecting at a point called
the vertex of the angle.
• The two rays are called the sides of the angle.
• The amount of the opening of the two sides determines
the measure of the angle.
• The unit of measure is degrees and the instrument
used to measure the angle is a protractor.
• The protractor has inner and outer scale. The inner scale
is read in a counterclockwise direction while the outer
scale is read in a clockwise direction.
The angle can be named using the letter assigned to the
vertex. However, if there are several angles with the same
vertex you use the 3 letters in naming the angle.

In estimating measurement of angle, we need
to recall the different kinds of angles such as:
• Acute angle
angle whose measure is less than 90°
• Right angle
angle whose measure is exactly 90°
• Obtuse angle
angle whose measure is more than 90°
I. Using the figure on the right determine the measure
and kind of angles are the following:
a) F𝐴𝐸
b) 𝐵𝐴𝐸
c) 𝐷𝐴𝐹
d) 𝐸𝐴𝐶
a. 40° , acute angle
b. 140°, obtuse angle
c. 90°, right angle
d. 95°, obtuse angle
Using the figure on the right determine the measure and kind of
angles are the following:

a) F𝐴P
Rate is a ratio of two different quantities. Among these
ratios are speed, which is the ratio between distance and
time, water consumption is the ratio of the price per cubic
meter and many more. Speed is the rate of an object’s
change in position along a line. Average speed is
determined by dividing the distance travelled by the time
spent to cover the distance:
• The base SI unit for speed is meter per
second (m/s).

• The commonly used unit for speed is

kilometer per hour or kph (km/hr) for
the Metric System and miles per hour or
mph (mi/hr).
Example 1:

If Bryan drives 45 minutes at 80 miles per

hour, how far does he travel?

Example 2:

A taxi hurries with a constant speed of 84

km/h. How far can it travel in 5 hours?

A car left the house and travelled at an

average speed of 60 kph. How many minutes
will it take for the car to reach the school
which is 8 km away from the house?
What is the speed of the car if it travels 100
kilometer in 2 hours?

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