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Reflective Assignment-2

GNED 500-602
Centennial College
Prof. Linda Brown
Nimisha Raina(301291872)
Harshveer Singh(301333449)
Dhwani Mistry(301327483)
Mafe Solera(301273188)
Vansh Surti(301328654)
What Work Done By Whom- Group 6
Nimisha Raina- Question 1 Common Part+ Thesis
Dhwani Mistry- Question 1 Difference Part
Mafe Solera and Vansh Surti – Question 3
( Together)
Harshveer Singh- Powerpoint Stuff ( Assembling all
data into slides)
1) As a group, what do your reflections have in common ideologically?

A lot of our ideologies as a group are common. Every child grows up under the influence of their parents and
the education system. Each one of us has been shaped towards certain values and ideals because of the
influence of social institutions. Secondly, what matters most is the experiences one goes through in their
lives. These experiences teach us to understand the world better. All of us believe that society and the people
that surround us are majorly responsible for the way we behave or respond to certain situations. Lastly, As a
group, we are all committed to global citizenship. Our identities are connected to social issues that concern all
of us at a global level; these include education, climate change, gender equality, and access to quality food.
We emphasize the interconnectedness of the world and believe in addressing global challenges by taking up
the responsibility to help improve the issue.
2) As a group, how are your reflections different ideologically?

However, despite these shared experiences, there are noticeable differences between our ideological
perspectives. One significant variance is the influence of religious beliefs on our identities. While some
of us had underscored the profound impact of their faith, others only briefly mentioned their religious
backgrounds without extensive exploration. Furthermore, differences emerged in our economic
viewpoints; some reflected on their evolving understanding of the value of money, while others
highlight the challenges of financial independence in different contexts.
The presence of plastic pollution in our oceans,
coupled with the harmful effects of various pollutants,
poses a grave environmental threat that demands
immediate attention and comprehensive solutions to
mitigate their detrimental impact on marine
ecosystems, biodiversity, and global sustainability.
3) As a group, why do you think this issue matters? Explain in a short paragraph why this
issue resonates with you and your group members.

The oceans form the biggest part of the Earth. They cover 71% of our planet’s surface and make up
95% of all the space available to life (WWF, n.d.). It is home to a wide array of wildlife and species
that are susceptible to plastic and pollutants. Plastic and pollutants in our oceans have become a
global concern as they destroy marine wildlife and disrupt ecosystems which would greatly affect
the health of our oceans and our planet per se. Our oceans are considered the lungs of the planet
as they generate 50-85% of the oxygen we need, carried out by marine phytoplankton and algae
(WHOI, n.d.). When there is too much accumulation of plastics and pollutants in the oceans, they
can block the sunlight needed by these organisms to carry out photosynthesis resulting in the
hindrance of their full capacity to produce oxygen. Also, it is predicted that by the year 2050 the
number of plastics in the ocean will outweigh the number of fishes. (Center for Biological Diversity,
2019) Healthy oceans are advantageous to us humans as they support industries and livelihoods.
When pollutants and plastics dominate our oceans, it would result in fewer fish stocks which would
greatly affect the fishing sectors. Lastly, pollutants and plastics in the oceans pose a threat to human
health as these pollutants enter the food supply, which would lead to poisoning or exposure to
harmful chemicals.

Addressing this global issue resonates with us as it impacts the future of our planet and the future
of humanity. As global citizens, it is our responsibility to safeguard and protect the world we live in.
It is our moral obligation to make sure that our planet and everything in it thrives for the security of
future generations.

WWF (n.d.). How climate change relates to oceans. World Wildlife Fund.

Center for Biological Diversity (2019). Ocean Plastics Pollution.

WHOI (n.d.). Does the ocean produce oxygen? Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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