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Jaime Guadalupe Moreno Arriaga

• Mario and Andy were enjoying a peaceful bike ride to the park.
Suddenly, a stumble causes Andy to fall to the ground, and her right
leg twists into an uncomfortable position. Andy feels a sharp pain and
tears in her eyes. Mario, nervous, kneels by her side, trying to comfort
her. He doesn't know how to help his injured friend, but he is
determined to do whatever it takes to make Andy feel better.
• Mario: (concerned) Oooh Andy, you okay? it hurt a lot?
• Andy: (groaning) Yes, Mario, my leg hurts a lot. can't move it.
• Mario: (nervous) It's okay, Andy. We'll get help. Can you try to move
your toes?
• Andy: (trying) No, I can't move them. It hurts too much!
• Mario: (determined) Don't worry, Andy. I'll call an ambulance. have
your phone with you?
• Andy: (nodding) Yes, in my pocket.

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