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Tears of the mine

Acte 1

(Le rideau se lève sur la mine de charbon. Jean, le contremaître, et Pierre, le mineur

expérimenté, discutent des conditions de travail difficiles.)

Jean : Pierre, production numbers are down. We need to produce more coal to meet market


Pierre : Jean, I understand, but we have reached our limit. The conditions in the mine are already

difficult and dangerous.

Jean : We can't afford to lose contracts because of our low production. We have to find a way to

increase our production.

Pierre : But for what risks? The safety of the miners is paramount. We cannot risk human lives for

a few extra tons of coal.

(Marie, l'épouse de Jean, arrive.)

Marie : Hello, Jean. How is the work going in the mine?

Jean : Hello, Marie. Everything is fine.

Marie : I'm worried about you and the miners. The mine is a dangerous place. I'm afraid

something will go wrong.

Jean : Don't worry, everything is under control. We are taking every precaution to ensure

everyone's safety.

Acte 2
(Un coup de grisou se produit, causant un effondrement dans la mine. Pierre est pris au piège

sous les décombres et Jacques est gravement blessé.)

Jacques: (criant) Everyone, get out of the mine immediately!

Pierre : (paniqué) Jean, I'm trapped! Help me !

Jacques : (gémissant de douleur) Help me! It hurts!

Jean : (ordonnant) Peter, hold on, we will get you out of there. James, calm down, we will help


(Jean organise une opération de sauvetage pour sortir Pierre de la mine.)

Jean : (criant) Take it easy, guys. We have to be careful not to aggravate Pierre's injuries.

Marie: Hang in there, my friend. We'll get you out of here.

Pierre : I don't know if I can do this, Jean. It hurts and it's hard to breathe.

Jean : You're going to make it, Peter. We're going to get you out of this. Just hang in there. You

too, Jacques, you'll be fine.

Marie: (en larmes) No! Pierre! Why did he do it? Why him? He was a good man and an excellent

miner, he is dying now that he has come to the surface.

Jacques: Calm down, Marie. We are all shocked and saddened. Pierre was a friend and a


Jean : (criant) This mine is damned! We need to close this mine!

Acte 3

(Quelques jours plus tard, Jean est assis seul dans son bureau, pensant à la tragédie qui s'est

produit dans la mine. Il est bouleversé et tourmenté par la mort de son ami Pierre.)
Jacques: (parlant à lui-même) Pierre did not deserve this. He was a good man and an excellent

miner. Why is life so unfair?

Marie : James, what is going on? Why are you crying?

Jacques : It is the death of Peter. It's too hard to accept.

Marie : I know it's hard, but you have to remember that life is frail. We never know when our time

will come.

Jean : You are right. I have to be grateful for every moment I have with my loved ones too. We

never know when we might lose them.

Marie :Exactly. We must learn to appreciate each day and be grateful for all that we have.

Jean : Thank you, Marie, we need to focus on the positive and learn from our tragedies.

That is why I have decided to close the mine. We can’t continue to risk our lives and the lives of

others to produce coal. We must learn from this tragedy and prevent it from happening again.

Jacques: Sure, we must be grateful for every day we have and appreciate our loved ones and


Marie : You did the right thing, Jean. We must learn from our tragedies and use these lessons to

move forward.

Jean : You are right, Marie. We must learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them.

(Fin de la pièce)

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