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By: Devishi Pawar, Gauri Raheja, Manya Gupta, Ritisha Kapur, Shreya Singh
 ANUBIS: He was concerned with funerary practices and the care of the dead.

 RE: One of several deities associated with the sun and represented with a human body and the head of a hawk. It
was believed that he sailed across the sky in a boat each day.
 OSIRIS: God of the underworld. He also symbolized death, resurrection, and the cycle of Nile floods that Egypt
DEITIES relied on for agricultural fertility.
 ISIS: Embodied the traditional Egyptian virtues of a wife and mother.

 THOTH: God of writing and wisdom, believed to have invented language.

 SETH: God of chaos, violence, deserts, and storms

 Witnessing the natural processes of the Earth influenced
beliefs in an afterlife. Egyptians often buried their dead on the
West bank of the Nile River due to their belief the underworld
was located in the west where the sun died each day.
 Their belief that humans contain a ka, or life-force, that
departs from the body at the moment of death, was supported
by their extensive ideas about death and the afterlife. Food
and drink provided the ka with sustenance during its life, thus
it was thought that in order for it to survive after death, it
would need to keep receiving offerings of food whose spiritual
essence it could still ingest.
 Each individual also had a ba which was a set of spiritual
characteristics. The ba remained attached to the body after
death, unlike the ka. The funerals were intended to free the ba
from the body so it could move freely and return each night as
an akh.
 The ancient Egyptians believed that the entire universe was called
Nun. In the beginning, Nun was made of nothing but water - a
vast ocean. Out of Nun, there emerged a single mound of dry land
and on that land a single lotus flower grew.
 Out of the lotus flower bloomed the god, Ra. Ra flew into the sky
and became the sun. The lotus blossom closed each night, tucking
Ra in for a safe and warm night’s sleep, and each morning the
lotus flower opened once again so that Ra could come out and
 Ra dried up much of the water and made the land. Ra was lonely,
so he made a wife. He named her Nut. Ra made many gods and
goddesses to keep him company.
 Ra was the father or the grandfather or the great-grandfather of
them all! All children are glorious, but to Ra, one child was
especially important. That child was his grandson, Osiris. Osiris
had a brother named Seth.
 The Egyptians believed that the phenomena of
nature were divine forces in and of themselves.
These deified forces included the elements,
animal characteristics, or abstract forces.
 Horus as a son of Osiris and Isis depicted as a
falcon-headed man and worshipped as the God of
the Sky and War, he would eventually avenge his
father against his uncle Set, becoming king of
Egypt himself.
 The Nile was so important Egypt was seen as the
image of the skies, where the gods sailed the
“waters on high”; and so the Nile has a heavenly
as well as an earthly source.

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