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"Cooking Soup: Tips for

Ingredients and Consistency“
"Meats, Poultry, Fish, Grains, Pasta, Beans, Vegetables, and More"

Re p o rt e r : Jon Zyrus Ruel D. Olivo Grade10-

Meats, Poultry and Fish
• Cuts of meat that are less tender
should be added early in the cooking
process. Poultry needs to be added
early enough so that it cooks

• Add fish closed to the end of the

cooking process to keep it from
Grains and Pasta
• Allow a little more time than
cooking in plain water

• Cereals are seeds or grains of

grasses. They are cultivated to
obtain the largest bounty of their
Beans and Legumes
• Soaked beans, lentils and
black-eyed peas should be
added with the liquid so they
will fully cook.

• Legumes are plants that bear

fruit that grows in pods. Beans
are the seed from different
varieties of plants, although
typically the whole plant is
referred to as beans.
Dense or Starchy Vegetables
• A small-diced cut of potatoes, carrots,
and winter squashes will require 30-45
minutes to cook.

• Starchy vegetables include potato, corn,

peas and lentils,
Green Vegetables
• These vegetables should
be added during the final
15-20 minutes of cooking
the soup.
Adjusting Consistency
• Thick soups may continue to
thicken during cooking and
may need additional stock or
water added to adjust the
• Broth-based soups maybe prepared in advance, cooled
and refrigerated. This facilitates removing of congealed
fat from the surface. Skim the top layer of fat from a hot
soup with a ladle, alternately.
1: Meats, Poultry, and Fish
Less tender cuts of meat should be added early in the cooking process.
a) True b) False
2: Poultry in Soup
When should poultry be added to the soup?
a) Near the end of the cooking process. b) In the middle of the cooking process.
c) At the beginning of the cooking process.
3: Fish in Soup
Why is it recommended to add fish close to the end of the cooking process?
a) To speed up the cooking time. b) To enhance the flavor. c) To prevent it from
4: Grains and Pasta
Do grains and pasta require more or less time in cooking?
a) More time b) Less time
5: Grains and Pasta in Soup
Why might it be important to allow a little more time for cooking grains and
pasta in soup?
a) To ensure they are fully cooked. b) To make them crunchy. c) To speed up the
overall cooking process.
6: Beans and Legumes
What is the recommended step for soaked beans, lentils, and black-eyed peas
when adding them to soup?
a) Add them without soaking. b) Add them after the soup has finished cooking.
c) Add them with the liquid so they will fully cook.
7: Dense or Starchy Vegetables
How long does a small-diced cut of potatoes, carrots, and winter squashes
generally require to cook in soup?
a) 10-15 minutes b) 20-30 minutes c) 30-45 minutes
8: Green Vegetables
When is the optimal time to add green vegetables during the soup cooking
a) At the beginning b) During the middle c) During the final 15-20 minutes
1.a) True
2.c) At the beginning of the cooking process.
3.c) To prevent it from overcooking.
4.a) More time
5.a) To ensure they are fully cooked.
6.c) Add them with the liquid so they will fully cook.
7.c) 30-45 minutes
8.c) During the final 15-20 minutes

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