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The planet was after named after the
Roman god of the sea.
I think Neptune got its name because
its blue.
The position of Neptune is the eighth
and farthest known planet from the
Sun in the Solar System.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.


• The size of Neptune is 15,299 miles.

• The mass of Neptune is 104,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
• The revolution of the Neptune is about 18 hours to complete a rotation.
• A 100-pound 8th grader who stood, or floated, on the surface of Neptune would weigh 119 pounds.
• A 14 year old will be 0.08 year old.
• Neptune layers are made of 29% helium and 80% hydrogen and traces of methane.
• Neptune temperature is -353*F
• Neptune has an atmosphere made up mostly of hydrogen, atomic helium, and methane.
• Neptune’s is an ice giant with most of its mass is a hot dense fluid of icy materials – water, methane,
and ammonia.
• Neptune has 14 known moons named after sea gods and nymphs in Greek mythology and Neptune has
at least 5 faint rings they are made of clumps of dust and debris likely form by the gravity of a near by
• No, a person can not live on Neptune because the temperature is -354*F.. Neptune’s is an ice giant with
most of its mass is a hot dense fluid of icy materials – water, methane, and ammonia. Neptune layers
are made of 29% helium and 80% hydrogen and traces of methane.
• One of special fact is Neptune is our solar system windiest world.
• Another special fact is the last of the planets in our solar system.
• Last special fact it is more than 30 times as far from the sun as earth is.
• A fun fact is that is has 6 rings, but they are very hard to see.
• Another fun fact is in Neptune completed its first 165-year orbit since its discovery in 1846.
• The probes has visited Neptune is NASA’s voyager two flew passed is in 1989 and is the only spacecraft
to have visited Neptune up closed.
• We learned that discovered four rings, five moons, and great dark spot.
• The alien would look like pink, chubby, with greens eyes, big blue feet, red cheeks, and a small mouth.
• It will survive by eating dust and rocks, it will drink lava, and it will breathe methane.
• The alien will in a polar climate.
• The alien eats dust and rocks.
• The alien will live like humans.
• Yes, the alien is intelligent it has baby aliens, and they make cities and farms
• What are the layers made of?
They are made of 29% helium and 80% hydrogen and traces of methane.
• What is the name of the furthest planet?
• The size of Neptune is ?
15,299 miles.

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