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Alba, Kent Louijie

Anciano, Regine
Antonares, Bethy Mae
Atutubo, Pearl Anne
Barrientos, Mariel
Beljera, Kyla
Birond, Jhan Geo
What is Grip in Badminton?

In badminton, a grip is a way of holding

the racket in order to hit shots during a
4 Type of Grip in Badminton
a stroke in which the inner side of the
palm of the dominant hand that is
holding the racket faces forward

You would move the racket anti-clockwise

from your back hand grip if you are right
handed, and clockwise from position if you
are Left handed. The Bevel grip is used
for : Backhand reqr court shots( clears,
drop and smashes) some forehead and
backhand net shots (depending on your
The Thumb Grip
is like the backhand version of a
panhandle grip. It's mainly used for
backhands where the shuttle is in
front of you.
The panhandle grip
is used specifically for the forehand net kill. It
allows you to negotiate the shuttle when it is
a little above and very close to the net. Place
your racket flat on the ground. Pick it up
without turning the handle.

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