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Kinds of
• We are generally describing different types or categories of friendships based on the
nature of the relationship. Here are some common classifications of friends:
Close Friends:
These are friends with whom you share a deep and intimate
connection. You feel comfortable confiding in them, and
they are often like family.
Best Friends:
A best friend is someone very close to you, often considered
a confidant or a person with whom you share a special bond.
This is usually a term used for the person closest to you
among your friends.
.Casual Friends:
Casual friends are those with whom you have a friendly
relationship but may not be deeply connected. You might see
them occasionally or in specific social settings.
These are people you know, but the relationship is more
superficial. You might recognize each other and exchange
pleasantries, but you don't have a close connection.
.Work Friends:
These are friends you primarily interact with in a professional
or work setting. While you may have a good relationship at
work, the friendship may not extend beyond that context.
Childhood Friends:
Friends you've known since childhood often hold a special
place in your heart. The bond is based on shared experiences
and a long history.
.Online Friends:
With the rise of social media and online communities, people
can form friendships with others they may not have met in
person. These are friends made through internet platforms.
Supportive Friends:
These are friends who are always there for you during
challenging times. They provide emotional support and
.Fair-Weather Friends:
This term is used for friends who are only around during good
times but may not be there when you face difficulties.
Mutual Interest Friends:
Friends with whom you share specific interests or hobbies.
The friendship revolves around common activities or passions.

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