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Leadership Practices
Leadership style
Attribute (traits) of leaders
Visionary leadership
Deference from management

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 2

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)

What is
1. Leadership?
2. Management?
3. Governance ?

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 3

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Three of them interact in three ways
1. Leadership, management and governance are
interdependent and linked social constructs
– They reinforce each other
– All three roles interact in a balanced way to serve a
purpose and to achieve a desired result
2. There is a clear overlap between the roles of them
– Nevertheless, each of the roles is relevant
3. Leaders are critical to the governing process
-Effective leadership is a precondition for effective
governance and management
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 4
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
• We need true leadership in our
– governments, businesses, schools, civic institutions
– youth communities, religious organizations, homes,
– in every arena of life
• including the disciplines of law, medicine, science,
sports, and the media
• Yet the search for genuine leadership is
becoming more difficult
• Where are the true leaders today?
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 5
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
• Every human being has the raw material for
leadership, but most do not have the desire,
courage, or will to use it
• Trapped within every follower is an
undiscovered leader
» The sprit of leadership, Dr. Myles Munroe

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 6

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
• Thinking of a leader is what separates him or her from
the followers
• True leaders are distinguished by a unique mental
– which creates a strong, positive, and confident self-concept
and self-worth
– this unique mental attitude can called the spirit of leadership
• One who … says, “Why should I bother with the
community…. Just let me live my life in peace” – destroys
the world!

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 7

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)

Definition of Leadership
• Continuous process of directing and influencing
the activities of group members (related with
work) towards accomplishment of goals in a
given situation
• Mobilizing others to envision and realize a better
future (Vriesendrop S, 2010)
• Leader is an individual in a team capable of
influencing group activities towards goal
formulation and achievement (Beaufort, 2003)
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 8
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Elements of leadership are:
• communicate goals & objectives to members
• Encouraging members’ effort(motivating)
• Guiding towards the attainment of organizational
goals & objectives (inspiring)

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 9

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Deference from management
• Management is an organized process that guides
the utilization of various resources to meet a
desired organizational goal
• Managers are a formally appointed & authorized
individual in an organization to direct & support
others to
 do their work effectively,
 oversee resource utilization,
 accountable for work result

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 10

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
• An interview by Bennis compares
management and leadership on several key
points (Flower, 1990),
Efficiency Versus Effectiveness
• A manager is concerned with efficiency -
(getting things done right, better, and faster)
• In contrast, a leader is more concerned with
effectiveness (doing right things)

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 11

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)

• Managers often exhort employees to work

smarter, not harder
Manager- seeks to work smarter, doing things
right (efficiency)
Leader- seeks to work harder, doing right
things (effectiveness)

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 12

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
 How, what and why
• Management is about how, whereas leadership is about
what and why
• Several process improvement teams attacked the problem
of how to move patients faster and more efficiently? –
Good managers
• After years of frustration, other team assigned to this issue
• The last teams questions were the following:
 Why are we transporting patients all over the organization?
 Can we organize any services to the patient-care unit to
reduce the distance that patients travel?- Good Leader
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 13
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
• Instead of asking how to move patients faster, the
last project team asked:
• Should they be moved at all?
• How can we reduce movement of patients?
• Finally the last team came up with a solution that
involved building a new set of elevators for patients
• A couple of years later, the organization went
through a major reengineering and work-redesign
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 14
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
 Structure Versus People
• Management is about systems, controls, procedures, and
policies—all of which create structure (Flower, 1990)
• Whereas leadership is about people
• Managers spend much of their time dealing with
organizational structure
 Status Quo Versus Innovation
• Maintaining and managing the status quo are
appropriate managerial behaviors
• Whereas leaders are more concerned with innovation
and creating new processes for the future
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 15
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)

Bottom Line Versus Horizon

• Managers keep their eyes on the
bottom line;
• leaders focus on the horizon
• Managers ask: Are we within budget?
• Are we meeting our goals?
• What’s the deadline?
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 16
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership Practices

• Identify client and stakeholder needs and priorities
• Recognize trends, opportunities, and risks that affect the
• Look for best practices
• Identify staff capacities and constraints
• Know yourself, your staff, and your organization—values,
strengths, and weaknesses

Organizational Outcome: He/She up-to-date, valid

knowledge of their clients, and the organization and its
context; they know how their behavior affects others
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 17
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership practices…

• Articulate the organization’s mission and strategy
• Identify critical challenges
• Link goals with the overall organizational strategy
• Determine key priorities for action
• Create a common picture of desired results

Organizational Outcome: The organization’s work is

directed by a well-defined mission and strategy,
and with clear priorities
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 18
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership practices…

• Ensure congruence of values, mission, strategy, structure,
systems, and daily actions
• Facilitate teamwork
• Unite key stakeholders around an inspiring vision
• Link goals with rewards and recognition
• Enlist stakeholders to commit resources

Organizational Outcome:
Internal and external stakeholders understand and support the
organization’s goals and have mobilized resources to reach
these goals
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 19
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership practices…

• Match performance to wards the goal
• Demonstrate honesty in interactions
• Show trust and confidence in staff and acknowledge the
contributions of others
• Provide staff with challenges, feedback, and support
• Be a model of creativity, innovation, and learning

Organizational Outcome: The organization’s climate is

one of continuous learning, and staff show
commitment, even when setback occur.
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 20
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 21

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership style
• It is the way in which a leader relates to staff
and colleagues
• Six leadership styles were derived from
research conducted by the editors while at
“Value Added Performance”

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 22

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership style….
 1. Affiliative leaders
• are genuinely concerned for people and their well- being
• are concerned with how their staff is balancing work and
home life
 2. Authoritative leaders
• use their expertise as the foundation for sharing with
others- they are Expert leader
 3. Pacesetting leaders
• The leaders do the work themselves
• They feel that if they want something done right, they
have to do it themselves
• They also believe that no one can do it better than them
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 23
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership style….
 4. Coercive leaders
• lead by threatening others to get the work done
• Their preference is to give ultimate thing
• Coercive leaders may also resort to maltreatment
• Leaders are very open and clear in their expectations
and tasks at hand
• It threaten others

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 24

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership style….
• 5. Coaching leaders;- these leaders are concerned on
developing others leader
• 6. Democratic;- Involve other leader

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 25

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership styles that predict organizational
climate .
Leadership Style Definition Style
Affiliative Concern for people
Authoritative Expert leader

Coaching Developing others

Coercive “Do it or else” leader
Democratic Involve others leader
Pacesetting “Do it myself” leader
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 26
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Leadership style….
• All of the styles described are effective,
depending on the demands of the situation, the
employees’ skill level and needs, and the
resources available (Pelote, DeWitt, &
Dreyfus, 1992)

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 27

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Attribute (traits) or qualities of leaders

These are generic attributes or qualities of

■ Enthusiasm- interest, passionate
■ Integrity – the quality that create trust
■ Toughness or’ demandingness’,
 Leadership is not a popularity challenge
 People respect a leader with high standards
who will not compromise on them
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 28
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Attribute ………..
■ Humanity
 Leaders need to exemplify basic humaneness,
an inner kindness when occasion calls for it
■ Confidence
 No leader can operate without a quiet
 But should not be confused with over-
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 29
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Attribute ………..
■ Humility
 The result of having a proper sense of one’s own
 Its hallmarks are a readiness to listen and to be taught, a
willingness to admit when one is wrong, and a reverence
for others
■ Courage
 Whereas not all physically brave individuals have moral
courage, all those with moral courage are not physically
brave as well
 Courage of either kind is universally admired in a leader
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 30
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Visionary leadership
• Big picture of the organization and a sense of the
future are an inherent part of Visionary leader
• Visionary leadership is thinking, acting, and
influencing to see the big picture of an organization
• The following Questions are needed to be ask by
visionary leader
– Where are we now?
– Where do we want to go?
– How do we get there?

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 31

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Visionary leadership………

• The visionary leaders are able to

– anticipate and envision the future,
– maintain flexibility,
– think strategically, and
– initiate changes that will create a big picture of
organization in the future

Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 32

mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)
Health Service Management By Dawit Sula 33
mo (BSC in PH, MPH in HSM)

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