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Importance of

Entrepreneurial Leadership

• Entrepreneurial leadership is about systematic and purposeful

development of leadership skills and techniques which can take a
long time. It is about the developing relationships. It is about
creating long term sustainable competitive advantage based upon
architecture of entrepreneurial leadership.
Who is leader?

• Someone who can influence others and who has managerial

. or
• A leader is a person who can influence or motivate others to
do what he wants them to do.
What is leadership?

• The process of influencing a group towards the achievement of

• Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act
towards to achieving a common goal.
• Entrepreneurial leadership is a critical aspect of driving business
growth and fostering innovation within organizations. It combines
the characteristics of entrepreneurship, such as risk-taking and
innovation, with effective leadership skills. By integrating these
qualities, entrepreneurial leaders can create a dynamic and
forward-thinking environment that encourages creativity and
empowers employees.
• One of the key traits of entrepreneurial leaders is their passion.
They are driven by a deep sense of purpose and enthusiasm for
their work, which inspires and motivates their team members. This
passion is contagious and can create a culture of excitement and
dedication within the organization.
• Entrepreneurial leaders also possess a high level of creativity. They
are constantly seeking new ideas, approaches, and solutions to
problems. By encouraging a culture of innovation, they foster an
environment where employees feel empowered to think outside
the box and contribute their unique perspectives. This emphasis
on creativity leads to the development of new products, services,
and processes that can give the organization a competitive edge.
• Taking calculated risks is another crucial aspect of entrepreneurial
leadership. Entrepreneurs understand that risk-taking is an
inherent part of business growth and are willing to step outside
their comfort zones to seize opportunities. They carefully evaluate
the potential risks and rewards and make informed decisions. By
encouraging risk-taking, entrepreneurial leaders create a culture
that encourages experimentation and learning from failure,
ultimately driving innovation and growth.
• Taking calculated risks is another crucial aspect of entrepreneurial
leadership. Entrepreneurs understand that risk-taking is an
inherent part of business growth and are willing to step outside
their comfort zones to seize opportunities. They carefully evaluate
the potential risks and rewards and make informed decisions. By
encouraging risk-taking, entrepreneurial leaders create a culture
that encourages experimentation and learning from failure,
ultimately driving innovation and growth.
• Collaboration is another important aspect of entrepreneurial
leadership. These leaders understand the value of teamwork and
create a culture that encourages collaboration and information
sharing. By fostering a collaborative work environment,
entrepreneurial leaders promote cross-functional communication,
idea exchange, and problem-solving. This collaboration leads to
enhanced creativity, improved decision-making, and better
outcomes for the organization.
• Challenges are inevitable in any entrepreneurial journey, and
entrepreneurial leaders demonstrate resilience in the face of
obstacles. They view challenges as opportunities for growth and
learning, and their ability to bounce back from setbacks is crucial
for driving long-term success. By maintaining a positive attitude,
adapting to change, and persevering through difficult times,
entrepreneurial leaders inspire their team members to overcome
challenges and achieve their goals.
Thank you for listening

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