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What is Stress?
Stress is a state of emotional or
physical tension that can come
from any event or thought that
makes you feel frustrated, or
What Makes Something Stressful?
 Situations that are imminent.
 Life transitions.
 Chronic illness and pain.
 Economical factor.
 Danger or harm.
Not All Stress is Bad…
 Distress is the bad kind of stress that drains you and makes
you feel overwhelmed.
 It comes from negative experience and situations that trigger
feelings of worry, fear, and anxiety.
 Example: Assume you have to give an important
presentation and in your turn your laptop did not
turn on.

 Eustress is the good kind of stress that motivates and

challenges you to grow.
 It comes from positive experiences that give you a sense of
purpose and accomplishment.
 Example: Practice for the presentation for which
you have less time and important for you.
The “Fight or Flight” Response
 It's a physiological reaction
triggered by the sympathetic
nervous system in response to a
perceived threat.

 The fight-or-flight response is

designed to help you survive in
dangerous situations. When
activated, it prepares your body to
either fight the threat or flee from it.
Why Do We "Stress Out"?
 Major reason:
– We perceive a situation
as dangerous, difficult,
or painful.
Stress Warning Signals
 Changes in sleep.
 Fatigue.
 Lack of motivation.
 Depression.
 Changes in social behavior.
 Increased conflict.
 Poor decision making.
 Forgetfulness.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress
 1.Find a support system. Find
someone to talk to about your
feelings and experiences.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress
 2.
Prioritize sleep: Aim for 7 to 8
hour quality sleep.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress
 3.Take good care of yourself. Eat
properly, get regular rest, keep a
routine. Allow yourself to do
something you love.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress
 4.Learn when
to say "no.“
and when to
say yes.

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