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A presentation is a form of public speaking and

sometimes the two terms are interchanged

However, in business practice, presentation usually

means presenting your point of view on a subject
orally, formally and with preparation. A presentation
may be to inform, argue out your case, persuade.
Every time you prepare a presentation you should ask yourself
one question does it have a clear message?

Talk to people about themselves and they will listen for hours
who are your audience?
what do you know about them?
The more you know the better you can tailor your
presentation for your audience
Tell stories ask questions make them contribute interact
with them

Most audiences will only remember what you say in your
conclusion give them something to remember
Challenge them to take action
1.The Right Content:
Every presentation needs to start with the right content.

2. The Right Design:

Everything designed for clarity and consistency

3. The Right Structure:

Everything in its place, both in the presentation and out.

4. The Right Delivery:

The Assertion-Evidence Model of Slide Design
1) Clearly assert the slide’s main idea in a complete
a. Appears at the top of the slide
b. Contains one distinct point
c. Flows logically from previous slide
2) Reinforce the argument with visual evidence
a. Diagrams/charts/images
b. Functional – not decorative/distracting –visuals

3) Simplify slide design

c. Only include essential information on the slide (verbally
deliver the details)
d. Eliminate non-data ink (bullet points, gridlines, etc.)
1) Skip the Stock Template

2) Don’t Use More than 6 Lines of Text

3) Ditch the Bullet Points

4) Size Fonts Appropriately

5) Maintain a Strong Contrast Between Text and Background

6) Use No More than 5 Colors

7) Use Contrasting Text Colors to Draw Attention

8) Use Single Images

9) Use Visuals to Increase Emotional Appeal

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