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Scratch is a block based programming language that uses drag-and-drop blocks. It lets you create your
hown stories, animation ,games, music, art that you can interact with. scratch is easy to use and learn.
Scratch was created by founder Mitchel Resnick.
The Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media lab. There are four main components of Scratch: the
stage, the sprites, the script and the programming palette/block palette.
Sprite: is an image that can be programmed to move, respond to events, and interact with other
Stage: is the main working area where the sprite moves. It is divided into XY coordinates
Block palette: in Scratch is the area which contains the set of blocks which are used to program
the sprite . Every block preforms a specific task in a project. It is used to create a script in scratch.
Script: in Scratch, programs are made by joining together colored blocks of instructions. These
groups of blocks are called scripts. They tell sprites what to do.
Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks,
and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety
of different programs and isn’t specialized for any specific problems. This versatility, along with its
beginner-friendliness, has made it one of the most-used programming languages today. Python is
commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and data
visualization. Since it’s relatively easy to learn, Python has been adopted by many non-programmers such
as accountants and scientists, for a variety of everyday tasks, like organizing finances.
Over a long holiday break in December 1989, Guido started developing an ABC-like language that could
talk to the OS and would be suitable for quickly developing OS utilities for Amoeba. He named his
nascent project Python, taking inspiration from the Monty Python's Flying Circus television program. that
is how python was created.
There are five main components in python:-
• The character set.
• The Data types.
• Constants.
• Variables.
• Keywords.
The difference between scratch and
Scratch Python
• Scratch is a block based • Python is a text based programming
programming language language
• There are 4 components in scratch • There are 5 components in python
• It is used to create animation, games, • It is used to build software, websites
art etc.. and programs

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