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Can you work out who each riddle is describing? The answers are all
ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.

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Who Am I?
With the head of a falcon, I am the creator.

I sail the sky in my boat.

Of all of the gods, there is no one greater.

I am god of the sun, please note!

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I am Ra!
Who Am I?
I’m the god of time, the moon and of writing.

I’ve the head of an ibis bird.

I record all knowledge in my own handwriting.

I’m clever, you may have heard.

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I am Thoth!
Who Am I?
I am the god of mummification;

I embalm from your feet to your head.

My head is a jackal so I’m very clean shaven.

I’m also the guide to the dead.

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I am Anubis!
Who Am I?
I’m the husband of Isis and Horus is my son.

I am the god of the dead.

I wear a white crown with large feathers on.

The crop of barley I spread.

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I am Osiris!
Who Am I?
I am sometimes called “the powerful one!”

I am the goddess of war.

With the head of a lion, I’m never outdone.

The desert I made with a roar!

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I am Sekhmet!
Who Am I?
Of Egypt, I am the protector and ruler.

I am the god of the sky.

With my red and white crown,

there is no one cooler.

My symbol is that of an eye.

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I am Horus!
Who Am I?
I am mother to Horus and to gods, I am queen.

I look after the people in need.

I heal with my magic, with power unseen.

With caring, my people I lead.

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I am Isis!
Who Am I?
In death and in life, I look after women.

I’m the goddess of music and art.

Love, beauty and dance are very fulfilling.

I welcome the dead when they part.

Can You Guess?

Reveal Answer
I am Hathor!

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