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At the end of this lesson, the students should be
able to:
 Define Intellectual revolutions.
 Identify several revolutions that created
paradigm shifts.
 Determine the components of personality; and
 Compare different civilizations and identify its
contributions to the society
 Intellectual Revolution is the time period
when advancements of Science and
Technology changed people’s perceptions
and beliefs. Scientists in all periods of time
are driven by their curiosity, critical
thinking and creativity to explore the
 This movement lies on the shoulders of
intellectuals who transmit the momentum
in the engine of action to produce a
renewed intellectual movements whose
goal is to develop society and raise human
value at all levels and in all aspects of
Term used as Greek Speculation about
“nature”. It is in the period before Socrates,
therefore it is also known as “Pre-Socratic”
or “non theological” or “first philosophy”.

Three characteristics of this philosophy

1.The world is a natural whole
2.There is natural ‘order’
3.Humans can discover those laws
Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)
-A mathematician and an
astronomer, who adopted
the ‘heliocentric model’
suggesting the idea that
the sun is the center of the
solar system.
In his book, he wanted a model of the universe in which
everything moved around a single center at unvarying
rates. Copernicus placed the Sun to be the centerpiece
of the universe. The Earth and all the planets are
surrounding or orbiting the Sun each year. In his model,
Copernicus outlined two kinds of planetary motions:

1. The orbits of Venus and Mercury lay inside the orbit

of the Earth, thus, closer to the Sun: and
2. The orbits of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter lay outside
the Earth's orbit, thus farther from the Sun.
Both Ptolemy and Aristotle, however, believed
that the earth is the true center of all the
orbitals carrying the heavenly bodies and all
motions are uniform and unchanging. It is
called the “geocentric model”, which means
the earth is the center. This theory is abide by
the church while heliocentric is not, and that
is how it creates a paradigm shifts.
Charles Darwin
-is a famous for his theory of
evolution. He changes our
concept of the world's creation and
its evolution. He would spend time
taking long walks to observe his
surrounding while collecting
specimen and he pored over books
in his father's library.
 He published his book The Origin of
Species in 1589. This book is considered to
be one of the most important works in
scientific literature. His book presented
evidence on how species evolved over time
and presented traits and adaptation that
differentiate species.
 He suggested that all organisms are
related and have descended from a
common ancestor. Explains that complex
creatures evolved naturally from simplistic
ancestors over time.
 Darwin, proposed the “natural
selection”, organisms survived
due to random genetic
mutations leading to the
preservation of their
descendants. It has the
“survival of the fittest”, which
means the better adapted a
species is, the more fitted it is
to reproduce.
Darwin's accomplishments were so diverse
that it is useful to distinguish two fields to
which he made major contributions
evolutionary biology and philosophy of
science. More than these works, what
made Darwin truly remarkable was his
courage to challenge religious and
unscientific ideas that are deemed to be
prominent during those days.
Sigmund Freud
-Freud is a famous figure in the field
of psychology. He is the “Father of
Psychoanalysis” and one of the 20th
century’s most influential thinkers.
Rosenfels also described him as a
towering literary figure and a very
talented communicator who did his
share to raise the consciousness of
the civilized world in psychological
 Freud made a significant contribution in the
scientific world through the development of an
important observational method to gather
reliable data to study human's inner life. This
method is popularly known as the method of
psychoanalysis. The scientific hypothesis he
formulated formed the essential fundamental
version of this method. His method of
psychoanalysis is a scientific way to study the
human mind and neurotic illness.
 He believed that when people explain their
behavior, they rarely give a true account of
their motivation, not because they are
deliberately lying, but because they are
more adept at self-deception.

 Freud’s structural theory of personality

emphasizes the role of unconsious
psychological conflicts in shaping behavior
and personality.
-Freud is not a traditional thinker. According to
Weiner, his method of psychoanalysis was
proven to be effective in understanding some
neurological conditions that were not understood
by medicine at that time. His method was
unorthodox focusing on human sexuality and the
evil nature of man. This posed immense
challenges to scholars and ordinary citizens of
his time. To some, they found his ideas not easy
especially citizens in his explanations of human
 Gutenberg’s printing press in 1455

 Analytic engine by Agusta and

Babbage in 1830

 First telephone during 1870

Turing’s work during World war II
-Alan Turing (1912-1954)
often considered the “Father
of modern computer
science”, he provided a
fundamental contribution to
computer sciences by
refining the concepts of
algorithm and computation.
-During the second world war
he developed the first
modern computers, known
as the Turing Test.
1.Mesoamerican Civilization
-Regions and cultural area in the Americas,
extending to the countries in South America.
-Cultivation of cacao, corn beans, tomato,
squash and chili
-“Three Sisters”, the main food sources
including beans, corn and squash
-Domestication of turkey and dogs
-Cotton plants were used to make textiles.
-First to use irrigation techniques
2.Asian Civilization
Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the
home of many ancient civilizations. It is a host to
many cultural, economic, scientific, and political
activities of all ages. In the field of science,
technology and mathematics, great civilizations
have stood out: India, China, and the Middle East
civilizations. These civilizations were
incomparable in terms of their contributions to
the development of knowledge during their time.
-World’s great early Asian Civilization: one from
India and from China
-Civilization arose in the Indus Valley 4000 years
-People used weapons and utensils made of
bronze and copper
-Shops are established around Mohenjo-Daro
-Two world religions: Hinduism and Buddhism
-Hinduism is based on sacred books, Vedas. This
holds the records of Indian history and beliefs,
which were written by the Aryan People.
-Buddhism embraces followers who praise
buddha, in the person of Siddhartha Gautama, a
wanderer who believed that human greed and
selfishness lead to human pain.
-Confucianism is based on teaching of confucius.
-Emphasized personal and governmental
morality, correctness of social relationships,
justice and sincerity.
-Great wall of China was built to protect
themselves from the invasions of barbarians
from other part of Asia.
3.Middle East Civilization
-The home of the “Cradle of Civilization”,
many of the world’s oldest cultures and
civilizations were seen.
-Developed the following: first writing system
in the world
-Potter’s wheel, vehicular and mill wheel
-First generalized governments and law codes
-Foundation of astronomy and mathematics
4.African Civilization

-Lineage and culture achievements include in the

field of Mathematics, Agriculture, and
Engineering, Navigation and medicine. In math,
they developed the Yoruba system - based on
units of 20 instead of 10 and required impressive
amount of subtraction to identify different
-The intellectual revolution has a significant role in
occasionally changing countries. It is a movement
dedicated to enlightenment, and it may have started in the
17th century, when people were more inspired by recent
advancements in science and technology as well as the
accompanying cultural relativism. The ideas, ideals, and
behaviors of society have altered as a result of scientific
revolutions. There have been four major scientific
revolutions throughout history: the Copernican, Darwinian,
Freudian, and Information Revolutions. And of course,
changes are always intended to benefit society. Almost
everyone tries to better society on a daily basis, and
cultures everywhere are still working so hard to create a
progressive humanity.



-Irish Catubig
-Manilyn Endraca
-Shenna Sierva

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