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The first two layers are administrated by an application that sends data to Automotive Ethernet.

The session
layer describes the organization of data in a packet. Bellow this in Transport layer data packet is transformed
into a TCP packet if the communication is reliable and into UDP if not. In the network layer, the packet is
extended with information about the source and target IP addresses and other network layer fields. Below this
is the data link layer which extends packets with Medium Access Control (MAC) addresses and other link layer
fields. Finally, in the physical layer, a packet is sent over 100/1000Base-T1 ethernet. An opposite sequence is
applied when receiving packets.
Physical layer

Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium Attachment

(PMA) sublayer, cable, connectors,
The full-duplex communication over a twisted pair cable is made possible by the fact that
there is only one receiver and sender and both know what they are sending (see Figure 11).
The calculation of the received signal is based on the assumption that both the transmitted
signal voltage and the actual voltage (sum of the transmitted and received signal) on the bus
are known. Under these conditions, the received signal can be determined easily by this
formula 1.

RX[V ] = Bus status[V ] − T X[V ] (1) Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) is part of the physical layer
(PHY). The PCS is responsible for the preparation of data between the Medium Access Control
(MAC) sublayer of Microcontroller Unit (MCU) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA)
sublayer. For communication between these sublayers is used Media-Independent Interface
(MII) (see Figure 9) [5], [6].
The PCS is responsible for the preparation of data between the
Medium Access Control (MAC) sublayer of the Microcontroller
Unit (MCU) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer.

The Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer cares

for controlling, PAM3 modulation/demodulation of data
to/from Medium-Dependent Interface (MDI)
The PHY is managed via Media Data Input/Output (MDIO) from MAC (see Figure 9). The
management registers are read and written via MDIO. Typically, this is accomplished by
communicating using two signals (Data and Cl
MDIO (Management Data Input/Output)

the MDIO (Management Data Input/Output) pin plays a crucial role in configuring and managing the PHY
(Physical Layer) chip responsible for converting digital data into electrical signals for Ethernet transmission.
Here's a breakdown of its main functions:
MDIO Functionality:
1.PHY Configuration: The MDIO pin serves as a bi-directional communication channel between the
MCU (Microcontroller Unit) of an ECU and the PHY chip.
2.Register Access: Through MDIO, the MCU can read and write from/to various registers within the PHY
chip. This allows configuring essential parameters like:
1. Link speed (10/100/1000 Mbps)
2. Duplex mode (full/half duplex)
3. Auto-negotiation settings
4. Flow control options
5. Media type (copper/fiber)
3.Status Monitoring: The MDIO pin also enables the MCU to read the status registers of the PHY
chip, providing information about:
1. Link status (up/down)
2. Error Statistics
3. Cable connection quality
4. Activity on the Ethernet link
IPV6 vs IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses, limiting it to around 4.3 billion unique addresses. This may seem like a
lot, but with the ever-growing number of devices connecting to the internet (IoT, smartphones, etc.), this pool is
rapidly depleting.
Feature IPv4 IPv6

Address Space 32-bit (4.3 billion addresses) 128-bit (virtually unlimited)

Header Structure Simpler More complex

Built-in security features are

Security Features Built-in security features

Mobility Features Limited support Built-in mobility support

Potentially faster in specific Can offer better performance

scenarios in larger networks

Adoption Currently most widely used Adoption is growing

Limited Address Space: With the increasing number of sensors and ECUs in modern vehicles,
255 addresses offered by IPv4 can quickly become insufficient. IPv6, with its vast address space,
is better suited for future-proofing automotive networks.
Session layer

Session layer In the session layer of the ISO/OSI model data may be composed of PDUs,,
SOME/IP, ViWi, DoIP, or other protocol. In this thesis, it is dealt with data composed of PDUs.
• Unique identification: Without MAC addresses, it would be impossible to distinguish individual
devices on a network, leading to chaos and data confusion.
• Efficient data flow: MAC interfaces prevent collisions and regulate access, ensuring smooth and
efficient communication between devices.
• Security: MAC addresses can be used for basic security measures, like filtering unauthorized devices
from accessing the network.
• Network management: Network administrators can identify and manage specific devices based on
their MAC addresses.
1.Data creation: Application on ECU1 creates data to be sent to ECU2.
2.TCP segment encapsulation: The data is encapsulated in a TCP segment with headers containing:
1. Source and destination IP addresses (identifying ECU1 and ECU2).
2. Source and destination port numbers (identifying applications).
3. Sequence and acknowledgment numbers (for reliable data delivery).
4. Flags and other control information.
3.Ethernet frame encapsulation: The TCP segment is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame with headers containing:
1. Source and destination MAC addresses (identifying network interfaces).
2. EtherType field indicating TCP protocol.
4.Transmission to switch: ECU1 transmits the Ethernet frame to Port 1 of the switch.
5.VLAN processing: The switch examines the frame's VLAN tag (if any) and forwards it only to ports belonging to the
same VLAN as ECU2. This isolates traffic and improves security.
6.Transmission to ECU2: If the frame matches ECU2's VLAN and MAC address, the switch forwards it to the GW
ECU2's MII interface.
7.MII reception: The GW ECU2's MCU receives the frame through the MII interface.
8.Ethernet frame de-encapsulation: The MCU removes the Ethernet frame header.
9.TCP segment de-encapsulation: The MCU removes the TCP segment header.
10.Data delivery: The extracted data is delivered to the application on ECU2.
11.ACK transmission (TCP): ECU2 sends an acknowledgment (ACK) segment back to ECU1, confirming successful
data reception.
MACsec Ethernet switch is a type of network switch that supports Media Access Control (MAC)
Security (MACsec), a standardized protocol for encrypting Ethernet traffic at the data link layer
(Layer 2) of the OSI model. This encryption helps to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access
and ensures the integrity of data as it is transmitted across the network.

Here are some key features of MACsec Ethernet switches:

•Encryption and authentication: MACsec switches encrypt and
authenticate Ethernet traffic using industry-standard algorithms such as AES-
GCM. This helps to protect data from eavesdropping and tampering.
•Key management: MACsec switches use a secure key management system
to distribute and manage encryption keys. This ensures that only authorized
devices can decrypt the traffic.
•Performance: MACsec switches can provide high performance with low
latency, making them suitable for use in demanding applications such as data
centers and industrial networks.
•Scalability: MACsec switches can be used to create large, scalable

Receive Frame by
Frame send by MCU Ethernet Switch another ECU


Encrypted frame
Check integrity and
encrypted again to
send it  ECU2

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