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Bế Đức Anh - HE160070
Phan Thành Đạt - HE163028
Đào Xuân Bình - HE163115
Nguyễn Đức Thái - HS160415
Lê Thị Yến Nhi - HS163170
Hoàng Đức Anh – HE161181
Lại Đức Việt - HE161168
Team 4 – Thunderbolt 5
Sorry to the future generation
Prince Ea say sorry to future
generations for human destruction of
nature too much, cutting trees, burning
forests, pour out toxic wastes into
nature in exchange for personal benefit,
which is money. Therefore, in the
future generations, nature has been
severely affected: animals gradually
become extinct, water, soil and air are
polluted, sea level rises, natural
disasters strike…. And the
consequences are negative. The planet
is no longer a beautiful place to live.
overexploitation of trees, 50% of trees disappeared in the past century

exploitation of animals causes some species to become extinct and robs the next generation of
02 opportunities to see them. Poison the ocean so much that humans cannot swim

the impact of climate change on people, every day thousands of houses face sea level rise and
03 are washed away by it in Bangladesh, children in Beijing have to wear gas masks just to go to
Why did He said : “ I’m NOT SORRY “
He said: “I’m not sorry” because this
future he does not accept it because
an error does not become a mistake
until you refuse to correct it. We can
change our future in the face of
extinction with our small actions
today. Such as not throwing garbage
indiscriminately, using natural
resources sparingly, we can even
develop eco-friendly materials.
“An error does not become a mistake Until you refuse to
correct it”.

An error does not become a

mistake. Until you refuse to
correct it” I think the writer of
this quote wants to convey the
meaning of reminding people to
protect the environment, take
action while we can before it really
gets worse. And I completely agree
with this statement.
Fact 1: It was once called once called the Amazon Rain Forest And there were billions of trees there And all of them
gorgeous and just um. Oh, you don't know much about trees, do you? Well let me tell you that trees are amazing And I mean,
01 we literally breath the air They are creating, and they clean up our pollution Our carbon, they store and purify water, Give us
medicine that cures ours diseases, food that feeds us Which is why I am so sorry, to tell you that We burned them down Cut
them down with brutal machines, horrific At a rate of 40 football fields every minute That's 50% of all the trees in the world
all gone

Fact 2:ey Fox News, if you don't think climate change is a threat I dare you to interview the thousands of
04 homeless people in Bangladesh See, while you was in your penthouse nestled Their homes were literally
washed away Beneath their feet due to the rising sea levels

Fact 3: today i will talk about 1 fact prove that “We can take action to correct our errors”. On tuesday,

04 october 22,2019, overcoming climate change is an important and urgent issue today anh i will demonstrate
that people act to correct mistakes. People have renovated and upgraded and reduce the amount of
environmetal pollution, protecting forest resources, saving electricity and water, explote new energy
your team’s communication : good
• - The team members are very active in their tasks.
• - Always turn on the mic to communicate and exchange
about the project.
2. Quality of your team’s daily projects : good

• - Submit assignments on time.

• - Complete day projects.
My team’s
- Communicate more with
- Turn on all camera and
- Practice more
Teamwork Self-Assessment

Report Name

Đào Xuân Bình

Student ID

Task Team Work Score

Leader +Slide Editor 10/10


Focused, good
teamwork , on time
02 Lê Thị Yến Nhi HS163170 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good
teamwork , on time

03 Phan Thành Đạt HE163028 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good

teamwork , on time

04 Bế Đức Anh HE160070 Answer Q2 10/10 Focused, good

teamwork , on time
05 Nguyễn Đức Thái HS160415 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good
teamwork , on time

06 Hoàng Đức Anh HE161181 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good

teamwork , on time

07 Lại Đức Việt HE161168 Answer Q2 10/10 Focused, good

teamwork , on time

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