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Classroom Setup for

Prek-Grade 7

V2, V.F., 2023

Pre Kindergarten
In Pre-K, we promote play-based learning. This means the classroom space must be utilized such that there is
room for as many different ‘sections’ as possible.
Setting Up Interest Areas- They enjoy building, pretending, creating, reading, moving, writing, drawing, and
making music. In order to encourage the various types of play and learning that naturally occur, interest areas
should be designed to support children’s interests and activities. Use large area signs to label each area, and
refer to areas by name when talking with children.
Making the Space Inviting to Children- Add softness, Choose colors and textures carefully, Use natural building
materials and natural light sources, and Provide for coziness.
Accommodating Storage Needs- some materials are always in use, others are not.
Choosing Appropriate Equipment and Materials- The materials placed in a developmentally based early
childhood program should be chosen carefully by adults who understand and want to support young children’s
interests, cultural backgrounds, and their developmental stages and abilities. Materials should be open-ended,
meaning they should be materials that can be used in a variety of different ways. The examples of open-ended
materials that can be added to a classroom are as limitless as the ways in which they can be used! Some
examples include clay, paint, blocks, baby dolls, dishes, beads, puppets, scarves, paper and markers, and
musical instruments.
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Kindergarten classrooms are very similar to Pre-K, with fewer individual play-based centers and
more focus on group work. The walls should have space for a high-frequency word chart, letters
of the alphabet, numbers to 20, a star of the week bulletin, a student work showcase, a calendar
area, objectives board. Also, a carpet area, class library, small-group reading station,

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Grades 1-3
Through Grades 1-3, students are still collaborating and using small groups. Desks should reflect
this by promoting collaboration while still being able to maneuver around the class easily. There
should still be a carpet, but Grade 3 offers a little less carpet time than usual unless you or the
students prefer doing their math fluency on the carpet.
Consider your “work stations” and the materials you need for each table/ student and request it
from our

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Grades 4-7
Grades 4-7 can follow a more traditional classroom layout in that most of their work will be
done on their desks/tables. You can still implement workstations for when you want to
implement small-group instruction.
There should be parts of the classroom where you would want independent work to be done for
individual students for early finishers or one-on-one support with the support teachers.
Consider the writing/reading curriculum and check online for resources for wall decoration

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