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Merene,Mark Vincent
Magsombol,Rhea Mae
What is seasonings and flavorings?

• The first step is to understand the difference between

seasoning and flavoring. Seasoning means enhancing the
natural favors of a food item without significantly
changing its base taste. Flavoring is adding a new flavor
to a food item thus changing or modifying its original
What’s the difference between flavoring and seasoning?

• Seasoning is an ingredient we add to food in order to

bring out or enhance its original flavor, while
flavoring is an ingredient we add to food in order to
change the original flavor. Thus, this is the main
difference between seasoning and flavoring.
Example of seasoning and flavoring
• The most common
They include almond, seasonings are salt,
anise, celery, cassia or pepper, and acids
cinnamon, clove, lemon, (such as lemon juice).
nutmeg, orange,
rosemary, savory, basil,
sweet marjoram, thyme,
and wintergreen.
What is the purpose of seasoning?
• Seasoning means bringing out or intensifying the
natural flavor of the food without changing it.
Seasonings are usually added near the end of the
cooking period. The most common seasonings are
salt, pepper, and acids (such as lemon juice).
What are the 4 considerations of flavorings and seasonings?

• Seasoning has many dimensions, the

primary four of these are: smell, taste,
appearance, and time.
What is seasoning made of?
• Salt, aromatic herbs, spices and bouquet garni are
the main ingredients. Salt adds its own flavour,
saltiness, and brings out the aromas in dishes. Spices
and aromatic plants add aromas or other sensations,
such as heat and spiciness. Spices may be used alone
or blended, whole or powdered.
What is the importance of seasonings and

• The most common seasonings are salt, pepper, and acids

(such as lemon juice). When seasonings are used properly,
they cannot be tasted; their job is to heighten the flavors of
the original ingredients. Flavoring refers to something that
changes or modifies the original flavor of the food.

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