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By Arsh.
What is DDT.
◦ DDT, or
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, is a
synthetic chemical compound that was
first synthesized in 1874 but gained
widespread attention for its insecticidal
properties in the mid-20th century. It was
originally developed as a pesticide,
primarily for its effectiveness in killing
insects, particularly mosquitoes, and
other disease-carrying vectors.
◦ Many negative factors, such as:
1.Environmental Impact: DDT is tendency infamous for its adverse environmental effects. It persists in
the environment for a long time and can accumulate in the food chain. This bioaccumulation can harm
birds, fish, and other wildlife, leading to population declines and ecosystem disruption.
2.Human Health Concerns: DDT exposure in humans has been linked to various health issues, including
developmental and neurological problems. It is also classified as a potential carcinogen by some health
3.Resistance Development: Prolonged use of DDT led to the development of insect resistance in many
species, making it less effective over time. This necessitated the development of more potent and
sometimes more harmful pesticides.
4.Biomagnification: DDT's to accumulate in higher trophic levels of the food chain means that top
predators, such as eagles and ospreys, were particularly vulnerable to its effects.

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