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By: Mohamad Ghandour

Chapter 1 Section 5

Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (DDT)

Watch the following video:
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloret Could We Rid The World Of Mosquitoes?
hane (DDT) exemplifies a
conflict between the
utility of a “pollutant” and
1. Why was DDT invented?
its effect on the DDT was invented in the 1940s to kill insects, specifically those
that carried insect-borne human diseases and those in livestock
1.5.A2 Evaluate the use of
and homes.
2. What was the discovered effect of DDT on the
environment and who was responsible for bringing this to the public’s attention?
DDT seemed to have terrible health effects for those around when it was used; moreoever,
general James Simmons Stevens in the 1940s said “the preliminary safety tests, made with
full-strength DDT, had been somewhat alarming.”, sparking more research, and finally
Rachel Carson showed the public the terrible effects.

3. Identify the strengths and weakness of the use of DDT

Strengths Weaknesses

Killed hundreds
Efficient insecticide bad for ecosystems
Bad for the envioroment

4. Discuss the health impacts of DDT

High doses of DDT cause:
- vomiting
- tremors
- seizures
- shakiness
- Laboratory animal studies showed effects on the liver and reproduction
- paralysis
5. Discuss the environmental impacts of DDT
- Hugely toxic to marine life
- Causes birds to have worse productive enzymes and thus less children
By: Mohamad Ghandour

6. Task Evaluate the use of DDT

a. What are the pros and cons?

Pro: It was very efficient in clearing malaria and insects

Con: It had terrible adverse effects on everything else

b. What are the successes?

DDT allowed crops to grow without a plague of insects

c. What are the problems?

DDT was generally bad for humans who used it, animals who were near when it was used or
in its run off, and the general environment suffered too

d. Which are more important?

The humans and every other ecosystem could be considered more important.

N.B. Be careful in looking at sources. Are they biased? Can they substantiate their claims?

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