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FEB 05,


Understanding Git: A
Version Control
Briefly introduce the concept of version
control and its importance in collaborative
software development.
What is Git?

What is Git?
Git is a distributed version control system that
helps manage and track changes in source code
during software development. It allows multiple
developers to work on a project simultaneously.

Core Concepts of Git
Key Concepts
Core Concepts of Git
Repository Branch
A storage space where 01 A separate line of 03
your project's history and development within a
multiple versions are kept. repository.

Commit Merge
A snapshot of the 02 Combining changes 04
project at a specific from different
point in time. branches.

Git Repository:

A Git repository is essentially a storage location for a

Git project. It contains all the files, directories, and
the version history of your project. Git is a
distributed version control system, which means that
each developer working on a project has a complete
copy of the entire repository on their local machine.

Commit :

In Git, a commit is a fundamental operation that

records changes to the repository. It represents a
snapshot of your project at a specific point in time.
When you make changes to your project (such as
modifying files or adding new ones), you need to
commit those changes to save them in the version

Branching in Git:

Purpose: A branch in Git is a lightweight movable

pointer to a commit. It represents an independent line
of development, allowing developers to work on
different features, bug fixes, or experiments without
affecting the main codebase.

Git Merge:

Purpose: The git merge command is used to combine

changes from one branch into another. It merges the
changes made in a source branch into a target branch.

Basic Workflow
Basic Git Workflow
Basic Git Workflow

Copy a repository from a remote server to your local

Stage changes to be included in the next commit.

Save the staged changes with a descriptive message.

Send committed changes to a remote repository.

Collaboration with Git
Collaboration with Git

Fetch changes from a remote repository to
your local machine.

Retrieve changes from a remote repository
without merging.

Collaboration with Git


Combine changes from different branches.

Pull Request
Propose changes and request them to be
merged into the main branch.

Git Commands
Essential Git Commands
Web design specialties

git init: Initialize a new Git repository.

git clone: Clone a repository into a new directory.

git add: Add changes to the staging area.

git commit: Record changes to the repository.

git push: Upload local repository content to a remote repository.

Branching Strategies
Branching Strategies in Git
Branching Strategies in Git

 Feature Branch: Separate branch for

developing a new feature.
 Release Branch: Prepare for a new release.
 Hotfix Branch: Quickly fix production issues.
 Main/Branch: The primary development

Git Hosting Services
Popular platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket,
where you can host and collaborate on Git repositories.

Git Hosting Services
Git hosting services are platforms that provide a centralized location for
hosting and managing Git repositories. These services make it easier
for individuals and teams to collaborate on software development
projects by providing features such as version control, code
collaboration, and issue tracking. Here are some popular Git hosting

Some Popular Git hosting services:
GitHub is one of the most widely used Git hosting services. It offers a user-friendly
interface, code review tools, issue tracking, and integration with various third-party services.
GitHub is often used for open-source projects and private repositories.

Description: GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides source code management,
continuous integration, and more. It is available both as a cloud-hosted service and for self-hosting.
GitLab offers a comprehensive set of features, including CI/CD pipelines, code review, and project

Description: Bitbucket is a Git repository hosting service provided by Atlassian. It offers
both Git and Mercurial repository hosting. Bitbucket supports unlimited private
repositories for small teams and integrates well with other Atlassian products like Jira and

Some Popular Git hosting services:
GitKraken Git Hosting:
GitKraken offers Git repository hosting as part of its GitKraken Git GUI client. It provides a
cloud-based solution with features like pull requests, code reviews, and issue tracking.
GitKraken's hosting is tightly integrated with its desktop client.

Azure DevOps Services:

Azure DevOps Services, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), is a set of
development tools provided by Microsoft. It includes Git repository hosting, continuous
integration, and other project management features. Azure DevOps integrates seamlessly with
Microsoft's development ecosystem.

SourceForge is an older platform that has been hosting open-source software projects for
many years. It supports Git repositories alongside other version control systems.
SourceForge provides features like bug tracking, forums, and file release distribution.

Some Popular Git hosting services:
AWS CodeCommit:
AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service provided by Amazon Web
Services (AWS). It integrates with other AWS services and is designed to scale for large
projects. It supports Git repositories and offers features like access control and repository


When choosing a Git hosting service, consider factors such as the project's size,
team collaboration needs, integration with other tools, and whether you prefer a
cloud-hosted or self-hosted solution.


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