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NAME : Prachiti Salvi                                                                      STD : FYCS / DIV B

ROLL NO : 81                                                                                SUB : FOSS

Case File on GITHUB


GitHub, can be divided into the Git, and the Hub. The service includes access controls as well as a
number of collaboration features like tools for basic task management and for all projects you handle.
GitHub hosts your source code projects in a variety of different programming languages and keeps track
of the various changes made to every iteration. So, the “Git” implies the version control system; a tool
which allows developers to keep track of the constant revisions to their code. The “Hub” is the
community of like-minded individuals who participate. It is all about the collaborative effort of the
community, in reviewing, improving, and deriving new ideas from the uploaded code.

Github is a repository service hosting for git. Github provides a web-based graphical interface that works
on the top of git. It provide basics collaboration for project like wiki and testing tools. At a high level,
GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code, as well
as track and control changes to their provides the distributed version control of Git plus access
control, bug tracking, software feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for
every project.Headquartered in California, it has been a subsidiary of Microsoft since
2018.understand ,Sometime people treat it as social platform to share their person Originally Answered:
What does “git” mean?

A. Git

GIT is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to handle om small to very
large projects with speed and efficiency.

Git relies on the basis of distributed development of software where more than one developer may have
access to the source code of a specific application and can modify changes to it that may be seen by
other developers..

Initially designed and developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development in 2005.

Every git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version tracking
capabilities, independent of network access or a central server.

Git allows a team of people to work together, all using the same files. And it helps the team cope with
the confusion that tends to happen when multiple people are editing the same files.
NAME : Prachiti Salvi                                                                      STD : FYCS / DIV B
ROLL NO : 81                                                                                SUB : FOSS

B. Version Control

Version control software allows the user to have “versions” of a project, which show the changes that
were made to the code over time, and allows the user to backtrack if necessary and undo those changes.

This ability alone – of being able to compare two versions or reverse changes, makes it fairly invaluable
when working on larger projects.

In a version control system, the changes would be saved just in time – a patch file that could be applied
to one version, in order to make it the same as the next version.

All versions are stored on a central server, and individual developers checkout and upload changes back
to this server.

2.History of GITHUB

Development of the platform began on October 19, 2007.The site was launched in April
2008 by Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath, P. J. Hyett and Scott Chacon after it had been made
available for a few months prior as a beta release. GitHub has an annual keynote called GitHub Universe.
Before version control systems software developers did not have an efficient way to collaborate on their
code. Software developers had a hectic time while trying to work on the same code at the same time.

Birth of Git
Until April 2005 Linus Torvalds was using BitKeeper for version control of the Linux Kernel development.
He had a large number of volunteer developers working on the Linux Kernel and their contributions had
to be managed. BitKeeper was a nice tool for managing the enormous contribution by the developers.
The Linux developers used the tool for free after an agreement between the two parties as BitKeeper
was a proprietary source control management system which means you had to pay for the use of the
tool. There came a conflict of interest after Andrew Tridgell created an open-source client for accessing
the Bitkeeper version control system by reverse-engineering the BitKeeper protocols. This caused the
copyright holder to withdrawal the free-to-use policy that they had earlier agreed upon. Many
developers of the Linux kernel gave up access to the BitKeeper.

3. Advantage/Disadvantage of GITHUB
NAME : Prachiti Salvi                                                                      STD : FYCS / DIV B
ROLL NO : 81                                                                                SUB : FOSS

 Similar to other online report services, guitar comes with a big benefits to have the content
inputted in such a format without having to known another system.

 Flavoured markdown is another benefit of using GITHUB . It is one of those features that adds
some changes to the regular markdown for making it more more beneficial in programming

 Collaboration is another benfit of using GitHub For people who do not remain in the same
physical location , an online Git refers to an easy solution needing no setup for new users.

 You do not    connect with your company's VPN as it sis easier to dump with the collaboration
features of GitHub


 Github doesnot comes with private repositories .This is one of the disadvantages.

 When it comes to high value intellectual property    you happen to be putting everything in the
hands of GitHub and anymore haing a login with many websites and this comes with a chance    of
security breache and its targeted constantly.

 some employers and clients can only allow code on their private secure internal git as far as the
matter of policy is concerned.

 Pricing is another potential drawback of GitHub some of the features and online repositories
happen to be locked behind as SaaS paywall.

 People already having an IT team and internal servers are usually beter off when it comes to
leverage in their own internal agit for price reasons
NAME : Prachiti Salvi                                                                      STD : FYCS / DIV B
ROLL NO : 81                                                                                SUB : FOSS

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