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The future perfect tense refers to a completed

action in the future. When we use this tense
we are projecting ourselves forward into the
future and looking back at an action that will
be completed some time later than now. It is
most often used with a time expression.
Subject + will have + past participle of the main verb + compl.

He will have finished his work by saturday

I will have finished his work by saturday


I will have been here for six months on June 23rd.

By the time you read this I will have left.

You will have finished your report by this time next week.

1.-I'll tell you tomorrow. I .............................................. by then.


2.- When you come next time, we................................. in a new

house. (move)

3.- By the time we reach the coast, the storm........ . (end)

4.- In two years's time I ......................... my university
studies. (finish)

5.- He .............................. the film before he retires.


6.- Next year we .......................... in Spain for ten years.

7.-Don't worry. I ................. the manager by noon. (contact)

8.-The dinner will be ready when we get back.

Mum ........................ it. (cook)

9.- Please, call again later. Mr. Jones ........................... by two

o'clock. (return)

10.- The garden party will be in July. Do you think the

grass ................... in time? (grow

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