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[PART 4]
Reflection and


















• Roseann John- Leader
As the leader of the group in Eumind, I had the task of
coordinating with everyone and making sure everything ran
smoothly. I contributed by assigning tasks to each member,
overseeing the progress, and ensuring effective communication
within the group. I also helped with writing texts and conducting
interviews. It was a team effort, and I'm proud of how we all
worked together! 😊
The memorable part was the interview we learned so much about
the day to day waste collected where it goes and also got to know
different opinions of people on waste management and how they
do at home and in school .
A lot of things went well in Eumind as the leader of the group! Our
methods for research and data collection were effective, and we
were able to gather valuable information. The group work was
fantastic too, with everyone contributing their unique skills and
ideas. We also had a great collaboration with our partner school,
exchanging insights and learning from each other.
If I had to do something differently, I would have focused more on the technical aspects
of our project. We encountered a few challenges with the technology we were using, and
it took some time to resolve them. In the future, I would make sure to allocate more time
for troubleshooting and testing to avoid any technical hiccups.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I'm proud of what we achieved together! 😊👍
Comparing the outcomes of our research with our partner school in Eumind was really
interesting! We learned a lot from each other. Our partner school had a different
approach to data collection, which provided us with a fresh perspective. They focused on
qualitative interviews, while we primarily relied on quantitative surveys. It was fascinating
to see how their qualitative insights complemented our quantitative findings.

In terms of outcomes, both our research and our partner school's research yielded
valuable insights. We found some common themes and trends, but there were also some
unique findings specific to each context. It was great to have a broader understanding of
the topic by combining our research outcomes.

Overall, the collaboration with our partner school enriched our research process and
broadened our perspectives. It was a great learning experience for all of us! 😄🌍
Kaavya Shah –Writer
My task was to conduct refers to get factual information and authentic
detail and present drafts to editors for feedback. I was in charge of
expressing ideas through text according to a set of specifications,
researching on a particular subject, create a literary work and to express

Working on group projects can be both challenging and rewarding. It’s a

great opportunity to collaborate with others learn from different
perspectives and achieve common goals.
My most memorable experience include, brainstorming creative ideas,
dividing task efficiently and celebrating our achievements together.
While working I developed several competencies that helped me grow
personally and professionally some of these competencies include
effective communication, problem solving skills time management and the
ability to work well in a team.
Our group project had great communication and collaboration next
time I would allocate more time for planning and frequent check ins
for better coordination reflecting on these experiences helps us
grow and improve for future projects.

There were few similarities among the partner school, that were the
activities conducted in the school. The most important part of the
project was instilling a realization that waste management is a big
task that can be catered by every individual before pinning it up as a
global problem.
Tia Saini : The Photographer
My task in the group was to collect and organize the pictures
collected by my teammates related to waste generation to
management. Our group interviewer, editor and myself were present
throughout to click pictures which were later on used in the making
of the PPTs. The editor and me as the photographer did divide our
work for the smooth functioning of the project.
My most memorable memory or earning experience was when we took
the interviews of our fellow mates in school, the ancillary staff,
teachers, entrepreneur ,etc, It was an opportunity I had look
forward to. I learned a great deal from the interviewees. Their
answers were indeed insightful.
Everything in the project did go well. We were synched and intune
with everyone in the group. There was always a collaboration and
teamwork for us played a major role. After completing this project I
feel motivated to go for clean up drives on the beach and would also
look forward to doing the same in out society.
I liked and admire the fact about our counterparts that they consider waste
management as a part of their day-to-day routine. It is not something for which
they ought to go out of their way. The fact that their school also has strict
disciplinary measures for waste management is something I liked a lot. Overall,
we did learn a deal from each other through our collaboration and video
conferences and chatrooms.
Rutva Sharma -The Editor

The problem of the effective solid waste management is very important nowadays
and the solution of this problem is necessary not only to the safety of human
environment but to human health as well. At the same time, it is necessary to
underline that often a little attention is paid to this problem and the solid waste are
often disposed improperly. I got the opportunity to express my opinion and
contribute my share in waste reduction . I as the editor of the group had a crucial
roleof organizing information, pictures and videos. This is something that I love to do
and this project set the correct thing for me here.

The most memorable part for me in this project was to do the editing of the videos
and pictures. I had not in my wildest dreams thought that I would do something like
this in school and it would be for something so vital and interesting. Merging the
videos, making the PPT’s was a phenomenal experience for me. I had an amazing time
working on this project. I felt that along with this being an amazing learning
experience, it was also a way for me to put forward my best foot forward. Editing
the PPTs and videos for this project was a fun-filled and exiciting experience
meanwhile also making use of my caliber to entice a new awareness about his sensitive
There weren’t any hurdles as such that I personally faced during the course of
the entire project but yes I would maybe want to work more efficiently on
perfecting my skills. I honed a few skills and I feel now is the time to polish them
and put them to a better use the time time I work on a project like this.

We did learn a great deal of information from our partner schools. Overall, the
events and clubs organized by them, small but significant changes in their
lifestyle, their efforts to not generate waste of any form-degradable or non-
degradable are a few things I learned from them. It is something I definitely
look forward to implement in my life.
Rithvika Nair – Interviewer

As the group interviewer, my job was to interview people and

understand the different methods they tried in reducing waste.
As a citizen of nation, it is very important to reduce the amount
of waste we create and help prevent pollution and protect the
environment. As a team we all worked together to reduce and
systematically manage waste. It was a great team effort and I’m
glad that we were successful at doing the EUMIND project.
The most memorable experience was that we gained a lot of
knowledge about the daily waste collection and we also learned
about people’s views on waste management and their ways to
manage it.
I’m happy to say that almost everything in our project went well as a team. Our
efforts for the research and data collection were really effective and useful.
Although I think we could have executed our videos and presentations a bit more if
we had gotten more time. We could’ve worked more on the technical aspects of our
project. But the team was absolutely fabulous and I was amazed to see everyone in
the group contributing their ideas.

Reducing waste will not only protect the environment, but will also save on cost or
reduce expenses for disposal. Recycling or reusing the waste that is produced
benefits the environment by reducing the need to ask extract resources and
lowers the potential for contamination.
Overall, the collaboration was fun and our partner school also worked really hard to
provide us information from their side. Comparing the outcomes of our research
with our partner school. EUMIND was really fun and interesting. According to me
our partner school had also different ideas and they also provided us with lots of
knowledge. I liked the way they worked as a team. Their presentations were also
very attractive and the research yielded us with important insights. It was a great
experience for me and I look forward for more of such experiences. 😃💪🏻🌎
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that

Eumind project for the year 2023-24 is inspired by the fact that students of both i.e.
Ramniwas Bajaj English High School and Marlant Lyceum enthusiastically participated and
cooperated with each other. Waste Management as a topic was considered as a news of
concern by the children and they did discuss the causes and consequences of Waste
generated in the environment, not just by the factories and companies by at the
grassroot level beginning from their homes and school where they end up spending most
of their time. Waste generated in any form is something that cannot vanish overnight . It
requires continuous and consistent efforts to bring a positive change. It is also our
patience paired with small yet effective and timely steps taken that ensure waste
reduction. The overall realization and understanding that waste is indeed a form of self
harm we do to ourselves and our environment is a key element in waste management.
To reflect on the similarities in the way both the groups handled the project- the
similarities were clearly evident through the activities conducted in the
respective schools. The students at RBHS have hobby clubs where they are
acquainted with activities that make sure that even if waste is generated it is
effectively managed through the various Best out of Waste activities undertaken
in school. Marlant Lyceum also has similar projects and activities conducted. They
too have hobby clubs which work along the same lines of proper disposal and
management of waste.
The concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is diligently followed by the students
of both the schools. A major part of their discussion was also focused on the fact
that waste as a concept is taken very casually by people around. People do not pay
any heed to the the fact that they are the ones generating a mountain load of
waste and that it is important to cater to it. A general lack of awareness is a
problem and making people aware about the same has to be taken as a social
Our peers learned from us how simple activities and events held in school can be
organised without generating waste. They appreciated the fact that the Canteen
day organized by the students of RBHS had zero waste generated as students
carried their own glass/ steel plates and glasses from home. There was
absolutely no plastic waste or even paper waste generated at this event.
Students of RBHS pride themselves for this impactful initiative initiated by
them in their school.
Our peers from Marlant Lyceum also made us aware of how their school also
ensures waste management. What amazed us the most was the fact that they
said if they visit someone for dinner they need to inform them in advance as the
food prepared is just sufficient for the family members and there is no
waste.The difference here with the culture of India and Netherland was
interesting and both in their own unique way put their best foot forward for
waste management. Students did realize that-
”Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things
can be accomplished.”
Our group right from the beginning was well coordinated
after receiving the topic allotted to us. The team did work
together to ensure the timely submissions of the different
phases. We did not just stick to the role assigned by the
mentor but went took an extra step everytime there were
ideas to be brainstormed. We also did ensure that we do not
interfere too much into each others work as it is more of
hindrance than help.
Apart from this our group did effectively participate in
organizing the NO WASTE CANTEEN activity organized by
the school. We did carry a few extra reusable plates and
glasses from our homes for students who had failed to carry
the same on that day. Ensuring that after the plates are
used they are washed, dried and handled well for the next
person was a major task given to two of out teammates while
the rest of us assured no wastage of any other material and
cleaning of the turf area where the canteen activity was

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