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Automated System

Automated and Emerging Technologies

Automated System Automated System

• Definition

• Technology-driven mechanism

Automated System
• Performs tasks with minimal human intervention
• Relies on predefined instructions
• Utilizes technologies such as computers, sensors, and machinery
• Operates efficiently, accurately, and consistently

An automated system is a technology-driven mechanism designed to perform tasks or processes with minimal
human intervention, relying on predefined instructions and utilizing various technologies such as computers,
sensors, and machinery to operate efficiently, accurately, and consistently.
Automated System Automated System

• Definition
Minimal Human Intervention Utilization of Technology

Automated systems require little to no direct involvement from They rely on advanced technologies such as computers, sensors, actuators,
humans to operate effectively. and software algorithms to perform tasks autonomously.

Predefined Instructions Efficiency

These systems are programmed with specific instructions or algorithms Automated systems are designed to execute tasks efficiently, often faster than
that dictate their behavior and actions in various situations. manual processes, which can lead to increased productivity.

Accuracy Consistency
They can perform tasks with a high level of accuracy and precision, Automated systems consistently perform tasks according to their
reducing the likelihood of errors compared to manual labor. programmed instructions, eliminating variability that may arise from human

Wide Range of Applications Enhanced Productivity

They can be found in various industries and domains, including
By streamlining processes and reducing the need for human intervention,
manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, finance, and household
automated systems contribute to overall productivity improvements.

Reliability Cost-effectiveness

Automated systems are often more reliable than manual processes since While initial setup costs may be significant, automated systems can lead to
they are less prone to fatigue, distraction, or human error. long-term cost savings by reducing labor costs and improving efficiency.
Automated System Automated System
• Definition
• MCQs

What is an automated system?

A) A manual mechanism requiring constant human intervention
B) A technology-driven mechanism performing tasks with
minimal human intervention
C) A system operated solely by human labor
D) A system incapable of utilizing computers or sensors

B) A technology-driven mechanism performing tasks with
minimal human intervention
Automated System Automated System
• Definition
• MCQs

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an automated system?

A) Reliance on predefined instructions
B) Minimal human intervention
C) Inconsistent performance
D) Utilization of various technologies

C) Inconsistent performance
Automated System Automated System
• Definition
• MCQs

What technologies are commonly used in automated systems?

A) Computers, sensors, and machinery
B) Paper and pencils
C) Telephones and telegraphs
D) Books and encyclopedias

A) Computers, sensors, and machinery
Automated System Automated System
• Definition
• MCQs

What does an automated system aim to achieve?

A) Increased human intervention
B) Reduced accuracy
C) Improved efficiency and consistency
D) Higher labor costs

C) Improved efficiency and consistency
Automated System Automated System
• Definition
• MCQs

Which term best describes the function of an automated system?

A) Manual labor
B) Human-driven
C) Autonomous
D) Randomized

C) Autonomous

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