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KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER Year 8 Sea Life & The Environment T3 and 4 Art

Prior Knowledge: Typography, the grid method, colour theory, artist research.

Things you must know: How to identify lines, shapes, and Things you could know: Types of art include:
patterns within a piece of artwork:  Painting: The application of pigments on a surface,
o Begin with careful examination of the composition. typically using brushes, knives, or other tools.
o Look at the outlines and contours in the artwork.  Sculpture: Three-dimensional artworks created by
o Are the lines, curved, diagonal, or organic? Consider their carving, modeling, or assembling materials.
thickness, length, and direction.  Drawing: The creation of images using lines and marks
o Identify the overall shapes of objects, figures, or elements within often using pencils, charcoal, ink, or pastels.
the composition by looking at their silhouettes.  Printmaking: The creation of multiple artworks by
o Examine the artwork for patterns and textures. transferring images from one surface to another.
o Identify the focal point of the artwork.  Photography: The art and practice of creating images
by recording light.
How To:  Mixed Media: Artworks that incorporate a variety of
Use Line & Wash: materials and techniques.
 Sketch using soluble and non-soluble pens or  Installation Art: Artworks created to transform a
ink. space, often immersive and site-specific.
 Use the water and brush to dissolve the lines
into pools of ink. Skills:
 Use the brush to move the watery inks into Create your own
the places you want. piece of sculpture
 Allow the drawing to dry before adding using recycled
smaller details. materials inspired
Don't be afraid to experiment The beauty lies in by Plastic Ocean by
its expressive and often spontaneous nature. Tan Zi Xi

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