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Presented by:

Vinay Kumar K M

IPV4 VS IPV6 Vedanth R Kumar

Gnaneshwar p
• What is IPV4?
• Connection less protocal,datagram service,
• Why reliability is less here?
• What significance header here.what is the use?

Features IPv4 IPv6

Address 32 bits 128 bits

Checksum In header Included No checksum

Fragmentation Done by router and source node Only by source node

Transmission Scheme Broadcast message scheme Multicast and Anycast message scheme

Address Format Numeric Alphanumeric


IPv4 : While IPv4 has served as the backbone of the internet for decades, its limited address space and lack
of built-in security features make it increasingly outdated and insufficient to support the growing number of
connected devices.
IPv6: IPv6 offers a vast address space, improved security features, and better support for emerging
technologies like IoT. Its adoption is crucial for ensuring the continued growth and stability of the internet.
Transition Challenges: Despite the benefits of IPv6, the transition from IPv4 poses challenges due to
compatibility issues, infrastructure upgrades, and the need for widespread adoption. However, proactive
measures and gradual implementation can mitigate these challenges.
Future-proofing: Organizations and ISPs must prioritize IPv6 adoption to future-proof their networks and
ensure scalability, security, and interoperability in the evolving digital landscape. Embracing IPv6 is not just
a choice but a necessity for the sustainable growth of the internet.

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