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Preventing Injuries

So what exactly is injury?

-Injury is a damage to a body that is caused by accident,
falls,or being hit by any weapon.
Warm-up activity and Cool-down activity
-Stretching improves one’s flexibility.

Static stretching
-aims to improve the maximum range a joint can
achieve under stationary.
Dynamic Stretching
-aims to improve the maximum range but under
active conditions.
Proper Hydration

Since sweating is pretty normal during and after any

physical activities hydration or drinking water
helps our body to restore the water from our
Wearing Protective Gears
“Better to be Safe than sorry.”
-Samuel Lover
Performing Sports Skills Properly
When participating with any Physical
activities Body Mechanics or Biomechanics
is a descipline that applies mechanic laws
and principles to the study of how the body
can perform more efficiently and with less
Adhesive Taping
Are specialized tapes used for supporting bone and
other purpoesses.
Rest and

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