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Welcome to journey into Parapsychology….

What Is Para Psychology according to you?

• Telepathy ACTIVITY
-On a separate sheet of paper,
• Paranormal brainstorm and tell us what comes to
• Hypnotize your mind when you listen to
• Myths -You must come up with at least 5
• Astrology Angels and rituals
• Voodoo
• Etc
• Parapsychology - the field
of study concerned with the
supernatural or other
phenomena that science
cannot explain.
• Parapsychology is the study
of alleged psychic
phenomena and other
paranormal claims, for
example, those related to
near-death experiences,
synchronicity, apparitional
experiences, etc.
1. Do you believe in the existence of paranormal phenomena, such as telepathy and ESP?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure

2. Have you ever had a personal experience that you would describe as paranormal?
- Yes, multiple times
- Yes, once
- No

3. Which paranormal phenomenon interests you the most? (Multiple choice)

- Ghosts and hauntings
- Psychic abilities
- Near-death experiences
- UFO sightings
- Other (please specify)

4. How do you view the scientific validity of parapsychological research?

- It's legitimate scientific research
- It's pseudoscience
- I'm unsure
History of Parapsychology

1. **Joseph Banks Rhine (1895–1980)**: Known as the "Father of Modern

Parapsychology," Rhine conducted groundbreaking research on extrasensory
perception (ESP) and coined the term "parapsychology.".

3. **Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961)**: A prominent psychiatrist and psychoanalyst,

Jung explored the concept of synchronicity, which proposes meaningful
coincidences with a deeper connection. This concept has implications in the study
of paranormal phenomena.

4. **Charles Tart (b. 1937)**: A psychologist and consciousness researcher, Tart's

work on altered states of consciousness, out-of-body experiences, and lucid
dreaming contributed to understanding the subjective aspects of paranormal
Scopes in parapsychology
1. The Scientific Method and Parapsychology
The scientific method, a systematic approach to investigation, is applied in
parapsychology to explore paranormal phenomena. Researchers attempt to
formulate hypotheses, design experiments, collect data, and draw conclusions. The
field is characterized by ongoing debates on methodological rigor and the
interpretation of results.

2. Research Design and Methodologies

Designing experiments in parapsychology is essential for systematic investigation.
Researchers must carefully consider factors such as participant selection, controls
for biases, and randomization. Methodologies range from controlled laboratory
experiments to field studies involving mediums and individuals claiming psychic

3. Statistical Analysis in Paranormal Studies

Statistical analysis is vital for assessing the significance of experimental results. It
helps determine whether observed effects are likely due to chance or represent real
phenomena. Researchers must address issues like outliers, data distribution, and
the interpretation of non-significant results.
Activity time -
1. **Have you ever had a personal experience that you would describe as paranormal?**
- Yes, multiple times
- Yes, once
- No
Podcasts suggestions:
2. **Which paranormal phenomenon interests you the most?** "Skeptiko," "Where Did the
- Ghosts and hauntings Road Go?," and "Thinking
- Psychic abilities Allowed."
- Near-death experiences
- UFO sightings
- Other (please specify)

3. **How do you view the scientific validity of parapsychological research?**

- It's legitimate scientific research
- It's pseudoscience
- I'm unsure

4. **Have you ever participated in a paranormal investigation or experiment?**

- Yes
- No, but I'm curious
- No, and I'm not interested
Types of Paranormal Phenomena
•4 forms of ESP
Precognition, Psychokinesis., Telepathy ,Clairvoyance

1. Telepathy: The claimed ability to transmit thoughts and feelings directly from
one mind to another, without using conventional communication.

2. Clairvoyance: The alleged ability to gain information about events, objects, or

people beyond the range of normal human senses.

3. Precognition:The purported ability to foresee or predict future events before

they occur, without using logical reasoning.

4. Psychokinesis (PK): Also known as telekinesis, this involves the claimed power
to move or manipulate objects using only mental energy.
5. Mediumship: Individuals known as mediums claim to communicate with
spirits of the deceased and relay messages or information from the spirit

6. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): People report profound experiences

during close brushes with death, often involving sensations of leaving the
body and encountering a tunnel of light.

7. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs): Individuals claim to feel a separation

from their physical bodies and experience a form of consciousness outside of
their body.

8. Reincarnation: The belief that the soul or consciousness can be reborn in a

new body after death, often accompanied by memories of past lives.

9. Hauntings and Ghosts: Accounts of supernatural occurrences involving

apparitions, interactions with spirits, and unexplained phenomena in specific
Case studies- you might love…..

1. Telepathy:
- Case Study: The Sender-Receiver Experiment
2. Clairvoyance:
- Case Study: The Remote Viewing Experiments
3. Precognition:
- Case Study: The Dream Precognition Incident
4. Psychokinesis (PK):
- Case Study: The Poltergeist Phenomenon
5. Mediumship:
- Case Study: The Cross-Correspondences
6. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs):
- Case Study: The Pam Reynolds Case
7. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs):
- Case Study: The Ketamine OBE Experiment
8. Reincarnation:
- Case Study: The James Leininger Case
9. Hauntings and Ghosts:
- Case Study: The Borley Rectory Haunting
Documentaries and interview
• Which paranormal phenomenon interests you the most?

1. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs):

- **Documentary:** "The Near-Death Experience: A Reader's Digest" (2013)
- **Interview:** Anita Moorjani's NDE Experience
2. Telepathy and ESP:
- **Documentary:** "The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena"
- **Interview:** Russell Targ on Remote Viewing
3. Reincarnation:
- **Documentary:** "The Boy Who Lived Before" (2006)
- **Testimonials:** Case Studies of Children's Reincarnation Memories
4. Mediumship:
- **Documentary:** "Surviving Death" (2021)
- **Testimonial:** The Scole Experiment
5. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs):
- **Documentary:** "The Path: Beyond the Physical" (2017)
- **Interview:** Robert Monroe's OBE Experiences
Psychology of Belief and Perception:
Belief in paranormal phenomena is influenced by various
psychological factors:

- Cognitive Dissonance
- Confirmation Bias
- Illusory Correlation
- Attribution Errors
Cultural Variations in Paranormal
Cultural Tradition: Some societies have long-standing cultural traditions
involving supernatural beliefs.

Religious Beliefs: Religious backgrounds can shape how individuals

perceive and interpret paranormal experiences.

Social Norms: Cultural norms and values play a role in shaping which
paranormal beliefs are accepted or rejected within a society.
Cognitive Biases and Anomalistic
Anomalistic psychology focuses on the study of unusual experiences and
beliefs, often from a psychological perspective:

-**Cognitive Biases:** These are systematic patterns of deviation from norm

or rationality in judgment, often leading to perceptual distortion, inaccurate
interpretation, illogical inference, or what is widely called irrationality.

- **Sensory Illusions:** Some paranormal experiences can be explained by

sensory illusions, where the brain misinterprets sensory input.

- **Expectation Effects:** Expecting a certain outcome can influence how

people perceive and interpret events
Skeptical Inquiry and Logical Fallacies::
•Burden of Proof
•Confirmation Bias
•Appeal to Authority

Debunking Myths and Pseudoscience:


The Role of Skeptics in Paranormal Research:

•Scientific Rigor
• Falsifiability
• Educational Outreach.
• Media Analysis
Fun polls
Spooky Scenario
• - You're alone in a haunted house at midnight. Do you:
• - Brave it and explore with a flashlight
• - Run out of there as fast as you can
• - Call for backup (even if it's your pet)

Ghost Buddy
• - If you could have a friendly ghost as a companion, would you:
• - Totally be up for some ghostly company
• - Prefer to keep your friends among the living
• - Depends on the ghost's personality

Psychic Power
• - If you could choose one psychic ability, would you rather have:
• - Telepathy (mind-reading)
• - Precognition (predicting the future)
• - Telekinesis (moving objects with your mind)
Ethics and Parapsychology Research:
Informed Consent and Ethical Considerations:
In parapsychology research, ethical considerations are crucial. Participants
should provide informed consent, understanding the purpose and potential
outcomes of the study.

Ethics in Investigating Sensitive Phenomena:

Researchers should approach investigations with sensitivity and ensure
participants' emotional well-being is prioritized. It's important to avoid exploiting
vulnerable individuals.

Balancing Scientific Rigor with Ethical Responsibility:

Researchers must strike a balance between rigorous methodology and the well-
being of participants. Ethical guidelines guide researchers in making responsible
Research and Exploration:
Conducting a Parapsychology Literature Review:
A literature review is essential to understand existing research, theories, and findings in
parapsychology. Researchers analyze past studies to identify gaps, trends, and
methodological approaches, which inform the design of new studies.

Designing a Hypothetical Parapsychology Study:

Researchers must design studies that are methodologically sound and address specific
research questions. Design considerations include selecting appropriate controls, minimizing
biases, and ensuring replicability.

Presentation of Research Proposals:

Researchers often present research proposals before conducting studies. A well-structured
proposal outlines the research question, methodology, expected outcomes, and ethical
considerations. It's a crucial step to gain approval and feedback from peers and ethics
What are the realms of paranormal
1. **Vampires:** Mythical blood-drinking creatures, often immortal, found
in folklore and modern fiction.

2. **Werewolves:** Folklore beings able to transform between human

and wolf forms, often linked to full moons.

3. **Alien Abduction:** Claims of being taken by extraterrestrial beings,

involving spacecraft and medical examinations.

4. **Witchcraft:** Practice of magic and rituals, with historical

associations to both pagan religion and accusations of harm.

5. ETC
• Is para Psychology a Pseudoscience? GIVE YOUR
• "If you could have one paranormal ability (e.g., telepathy,
invisibility, time travel, etc.), which one would you choose
and why? How do you think having that ability would
impact your life?"
"Surviving Death" (2021) - This
documentary series on Netflix explores
various aspects of the afterlife, near-death
experiences, mediumship, and other
paranormal phenomena. It features
interviews with scientists, researchers, and
individuals who have had personal
Placebo effect in Parapsychology
In parapsychology, the placebo effect can influence individuals' perceptions of
paranormal phenomena:
•Expectation: Individuals who believe they are involved in a paranormal experiment
or encountering a paranormal occurrence can have their perceptions influenced by
their expectations. They might label ordinary occurrences as paranormal due to
their pre-existing beliefs.
•Subjective Interpretation: Those with a strong desire for or expectation of a
paranormal encounter might incorrectly interpret coincidences or natural events as
proof of paranormal happenings.
•Enhanced Experiences: Belief in the paranormal can intensify personal
experiences. For example ,a person might feel a slight breeze and construe, it as a
ghostly presence because of their heightened anticipation
Para Psychology & Mental health
The relationship between parapsychology and mental health
involves exploring the potential psychological impact of
paranormal experiences and beliefs. Here are some key points
to consider:

1. Subjective Well-Being
2. Coping Mechanisms
3. Anxiety and Fear
4. Psychological Vulnerability
5. Therapeutic Approaches
6. Critical Thinking
7. Ethical Considerations
8. Research and Awareness.
Suggestions for better
Case studies :
1. **The Philip Experiment
2. **The Enfield Poltergeist
3. **Remote Viewing Experiments
4. **The Pollock Twins Case.
5. **The Ganzfeld Experiments
6. **Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)
1. "Surviving Death" (2021).
2. "The Scole Experiment" (2008)
3. "Third Eye Spies" (2019)
4. An Honest Liar" (2014)
5. The Afterlife Investigations" (2012)
6. "The Life After Death Project" (2013)
7. "The Extraordinary Claims of Michael Shermer" (2010)
8. The Secret History of the UFOs" (2017)


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