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overachieving: thành tích quá mức He is an overachieving dot-com millionaire, and prize-winning filmmaker
66. Bulletin: bản tin "For a quick short bulletin, you really have to start with summaries
67. Mindset: tư duy "the region seems stuck in a medieval mindset
68. gearing up: chuẩn bị Politicians are already gearing up for the election.
69. ramp up: tăng tốc The company quickly ramped up production to meet the demand.
70. invasive: xâm lấn the sound of the piano was invasive
71. scoop: muỗng, xúc scoop the seeds out and cut into slices
72. waivers: sự miễn trừ To protect yourself, get signed waivers for these installations
73. miscellaneous: Điều khoản khác he picked up the miscellaneous papers from the tray
74. frantically: điên cuồng The third man frantically tries to climb the cliff to escape
75. cramming: nhồi nhét he is cramming for his final exams
76. frazzled: kiệt sức he was too frazzled to know what else to do aside from make a joke to ease some of the tension
77. contingency: dự phòng He made an art that was a net to catch contingency
78. reinstate: khôi phục lại the union is fighting to reinstate the fired journalists
87. Argument Analysis: Phân tích đối số
88. Deconstruct: giải mã Tess needed a minute to deconstruct what he had said.
89. roots, prefixes, and suffixes. gốc, tiền tố và hậu tố.
Chap 4
90. rote memorization: học thuộc lòng Rather than focusing on understanding, many students rely on rote memorization to pass their tests
91. critical: phê bình "he was critical of many U.S. welfare program
92. esoteric: bí truyền it is written in an esoteric style that few people will understand
93. loquacious: ba hoa The famously loquacious Clinton told the crowd
94. allotted: được phân bổ equal time was allotted to each
95. Bounce around the section: thảo luận We were bouncing some ideas around for the design of the book's cover

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