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HBase: The Key to Managing

Big Data at Scale

Name:- Adarsh Godia

UID :- 22MSM40206
Section :- MSD-2
HBase is an open-source, distributed, column-oriented NoSQL
database management system that runs on top of the Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS). It is designed to handle large
amounts of structured data and can store and retrieve data in
real-time. HBase is written in Java and is part of the Apache
Hadoop project. It is often used for applications that require
random, real-time read/write access to large datasets, such as
online analytical processing (OLAP) systems, search engines,
and social media platforms. HBase is known for its scalability,
fault-tolerance, and high performance. It is commonly used in
big data environments for storing and processing large-scale
HBase Architecture

HBase has a master-slave architecture where the master node manages the cluster and the slave nodes
store the data. Each table in HBase is split into regions, which are distributed across the slave nodes.
This allows for horizontal scaling of the cluster. HBase also supports column families which group
related columns together and can be stored separately for improved performance.
(1)HMaster: The HMaster is the central coordinating component of the HBase cluster. It manages the
assignment of regions to RegionServers, handles schema changes, and is responsible for load balancing
and failover.
(2) RegionServer: The RegionServer is responsible for managing one or more regions, which
are portions of the table data. Each RegionServer is responsible for serving read and write requests for the
regions it manages.
(3)ZooKeeper: HBase uses ZooKeeper for cluster coordination, including leader election, configuration
management, and synchronization.
(4) HDFS: HBase stores its data on HDFS, which provides fault tolerance and scalability.
(5)HBase client: The HBase client interacts with the HBase cluster to perform operations such as
reading and writing data.
(6)HBase table: HBase organizes data into tables, which are partitioned into regions that are
distributed across the RegionServers.
(7) HBase column families: HBase tables are divided into column families, which are groups of
columns that are stored together.
(8)HBase regions: HBase tables are divided into regions, which are portions of the table data. Each
region is managed by a single RegionServer.
Data Model
HBase has a schema-less data model.
Data is stored in tables with rows and
columns. Each row has a unique row key
and each column has a column family
and a column qualifier. Data in HBase is
stored in sorted order by row key, which
allows for efficient range queries. HBase
also supports versioning of data,
allowing for the storage of historical

(1)Tables: HBase organizes data into tables, which are similar to tables in a relational database. Each table consists of
rows and columns.
(2)Rows: Each row in an HBase table has a unique row key that identifies the row. Row keys are byte arrays,
and they are used to partition data across the cluster.
(3)Columns: HBase tables can have an arbitrary number of columns, and each column can have multiple versions.
(4)Cells: The basic unit of data in HBase is a cell, which is a combination of a row, column, and
timestamp. Each cell can store a value, which can be a string, binary data, or a number.
Use C ases
HBase is used in a variety of applications, including
social media, e- commerce, and finance. It provides
real-time access to data, making it ideal for
applications that require low latency. HBase is also
able to handle structured and unstructured data,
making it a good choice for applications that require
flexibility with data types.
HBase is often used in conjunction with other big
data technologies, such as
Hadoop and Spark.
HBase provides several benefits, including
scalability, flexibility, and low latency. It can
handle petabytes of data and is able to scale
horizontally as data grows. HBase's schema-less
data model allows for flexibility with data types
and structures. HBase's ability to provide real-
time access to data makes it ideal for
applications that require low latency.
HBase is a powerful tool for managing big data at scale. Its ability to provide
real-time access to data, handle structured and unstructured data, and scale
horizontally make it an ideal choice for many applications. HBase is widely
used in industries such as social media, e-commerce, and finance. W hen
used in conjunction with other big data technologies, HBase can provide
even greater value to organizations.

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