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Technique#1 - Colorization

1. Open Adobe photoshop
2. insert image/ mode
3. mode - Grayscale
4. mode - RGB
5. New Layer
6. Brush-airbrush/soft brush
7. Coloring
8. Adjust
9. End
*note: Always set to overlay the layer
Technique#2 - Scrub
1. Open Adobe photoshop
2. insert image
3. rename the original picture
4. using the blur tool
5. scrub the picture
6. End
Technique#3 - Face Mask
1. Open Adobe photoshop
2. insert image
3. duplicate the image
4. filter-others-High pass 9.0
5. filter-blur-gaussian-3.0
6. ctrl I (invert)
7. blending mode -linear light
8. opacity (layer) - 50-55
9. mask the layer
10 paint bucket/black apply
11. Brush tool (soft) /light color
12. scrub
13. end
Technique#4 - Faux
1. Open Adobe photoshop
2. insert image
3. select all
4. copy
5. mode gray scale
6. mode RGB color
7. Rename the original layer
8. Paste the copy
9. drag the gray scale to color layer
10 slowly erase the gray scale
11. End
Technique#5 - Liquify/Slim
1. Open Adobe Photoshop
2. insert image
3. filter liquify
4. Freeze mask
5. edit/adjust
6. unfreeze mask
7. End
Technique#6 - blur
1. Open Adobe Photoshop
2. insert image
3. duplicate image
4. filter Gaussian blur (higher)
5. erase
6. End

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