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Sleeping tips


Our truest life is when

we are in dreams awake.
1. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
2. Sleep deficiency increases the risk of obesity.
3. Blue light from screens can disrupt sleep.
4. A consistent sleep schedule improves quality.
5. Sleeping on your back can reduce acid reflux symptoms.
6. Napping for 20-30 minutes can improve alertness.
7. Regular exercise can enhance sleep quality.
Dream Quality
8. Caffeine can stay in your system up to 6 hours.
9. Room temperature of 60-67°F is optimal for sleep.
10. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to immune system
Questions to think
1. How many hours of sleep do you usually get each night?
2. Do you have any bedtime routines that help you fall asleep faster?
3. Have you ever experienced trouble sleeping or insomnia?
4. What are some things you avoid doing before bed to ensure a good night's sleep?
5. Do you think the quality of your sleep affects your overall health and well-being?
6. Do you prefer sleeping in complete darkness or with a little bit of light?
7. How often do you wake up feeling refreshed and energized after a good night's sleep?
8. Have you ever used technology, such as sleep tracking apps, to monitor your sleep patterns?
9. What advice would you give someone who struggles with getting enough healthy sleep?
Answer the questions

• Why is it essential to sleep?

• How much sleep do adults need on average?
• What causes us to become sleepy?
• What percentage of adults in the US have the lack of sleep?
• What are the negative effects of sleep deprivation on learning, memory, mood and reaction time?
• What health conditions are associated with chronic sleep deprivation?

1. Why is sleep so important?

2. What are some common concerns people have regarding their sleep?
3. Is seven hours of sleep really the ideal amount for everyone?
4. What are some questions you should ask yourself to determine if your sleep is
5. Is it necessary to use expensive gadgets and devices to achieve good sleep?
6. Are there any medical conditions that can affect sleep?
7. How do unrealistic expectations about sleep affect people?
8. Can lack of sleep cause health problems?
Correct answers:
1. Sleep is necessary for survival and overall well-being.
2. Common concerns include not getting enough sleep and the idea that less than seven hours of sleep
can lead to health problems.
3. No, everyone's ideal sleep duration can be different.
4. Orthosomnia is a condition where people become obsessed with achieving perfect sleep, leading to
more sleep problems.
5. Ask if you feel rested during the day, if you sleep through the night without disturbances, and if you
can stay awake during the day without falling asleep involuntarily.
6. It is not necessary to use expensive gadgets and devices to achieve good sleep.
7. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is a highly effective therapy that does not involve
medications and has a low failure rate.
8. Yes, medical conditions such as sleep apnea can affect sleep.
9. Unrealistic expectations about sleep can lead to anxiety and more sleep problems.
10. Lack of sleep can cause health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression.
a. a pre-arranged meeting with someone, especially for professional or medical purposes
1. time management b. a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, used to
2. restful sleep organize one's schedule
c. the latest time or date by which something should be completed
3. appointment d. an organized gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as discussing business
4. calendar matters or exchanging ideas
e. a plan that lists all the tasks or events that need to be done at certain times or dates
5. to wrap up f. to decide not to do something that was previously arranged or scheduled
6. deadline g. to delay an event or task until a later time or date
h. to arrange a new time or date for an event or task that has been postponed or cancelled
7. last-minute changes i. to finish or complete something
j. a schedule that is very busy and leaves little room for flexibility or free time
8. to fall asleep k. the process of planning and organizing how much time to spend on different activities in
9. schedule order to maximize productivity and efficiency
l. unexpected alterations made just before an event or task is due to take place
10. hit the snooze button m. to press a button on an alarm clock that stops it from ringing for a short period of time so
11. to reschedule that you can sleep a bit longer
n. to begin sleeping
12. to postpone o. to have a short sleep during the day, usually lasting no more than an hour or two
13. to cancel p. a deep and peaceful sleep that leaves one feeling refreshed and energized upon waking up
q. a condition where a person has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, often resulting in
14. insomnia fatigue and other health problems.
15. meeting
16. take a nap
17. tight schedule
a. a pre-arranged meeting with someone, especially for professional or medical purposes
1. time management b. a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, used to
2. restful sleep organize one's schedule
1. k c. the latest time or date by which something should be completed
3. appointment d. an organized gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as discussing business
2. p
3. a
4. calendar matters or exchanging ideas
e. a plan that lists all the tasks or events that need to be done at certain times or dates
4. b 5. to wrap up f. to decide not to do something that was previously arranged or scheduled
5. i 6. deadline g. to delay an event or task until a later time or date
h. to arrange a new time or date for an event or task that has been postponed or cancelled
6. c 7. last-minute changes i. to finish or complete something
7. l j. a schedule that is very busy and leaves little room for flexibility or free time
8. n
8. to fall asleep k. the process of planning and organizing how much time to spend on different activities in
9. e 9. schedule order to maximize productivity and efficiency
l. unexpected alterations made just before an event or task is due to take place
10. m 10. hit the snooze button m. to press a button on an alarm clock that stops it from ringing for a short period of time so
11. h 11. to reschedule that you can sleep a bit longer
12. g n. to begin sleeping
13. f 12. to postpone o. to have a short sleep during the day, usually lasting no more than an hour or two
14. q 13. to cancel p. a deep and peaceful sleep that leaves one feeling refreshed and energized upon waking up
q. a condition where a person has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, often resulting in
15. d 14. insomnia fatigue and other health problems.
16. o 15. meeting
17. j
16. take a nap
17. tight schedule
Daily routine and sleep are important aspects of our lives. Our daily routine helps us to manage our time effectively, while getting enough
sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-being.

To manage our daily routine effectively, we need to have good time management skills. We can use a calendar or schedule to plan our day
in advance. This will help us to avoid missing appointments or deadlines. If we have a tight schedule, it's important to prioritize our tasks
and make sure that we allocate enough time for each one. However, last-minute changes may occur, so it's important to be flexible and
reschedule or postpone meetings if necessary.

Getting enough sleep is also crucial for our health. We should aim to get at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night. However, some
people may suffer from insomnia, which makes it difficult for them to fall asleep or stay asleep. In such cases, it may be helpful to take a
nap during the day to compensate for the lack of sleep at night.

Sometimes, we may hit the snooze button too many times in the morning and end up running late for work or school. To avoid this, we
should try to establish a regular sleep routine and stick to it as much as possible. We should also avoid using electronic devices before
bedtime, as they can interfere with our ability to fall asleep.

In conclusion, managing our daily routine and getting enough sleep are essential for our overall well-being. By using good time
management skills and establishing healthy sleep habits, we can improve our productivity and quality of life. So, let's wrap up our day on a
positive note and get a good night's sleep!
1. What are the two important aspects of our lives mentioned in the text?
a) Eating and exercising
b) Daily routine and sleep
c) Socializing and entertainment
d) Work and education

2. Why is it important to manage our daily routine effectively?

a) To avoid missing appointments or deadlines
b) To have more free time
c) To be able to work longer hours
d) To impress our colleagues or friends

3. What can we use to plan our day in advance?

a) A calculator
b) A calendar or schedule
c) A watch
d) A phone

4. What should we do if we have a tight schedule?

a) Prioritize our tasks and allocate enough time for each one
b) Ignore some of our tasks
c) Cancel all our appointments
d) Delegate our tasks to someone else
5. What should we do if last-minute changes occur in our schedule?
a) Stick to our original plan
b) Be flexible and reschedule or postpone meetings if necessary
c) Panic and cancel everything
d) Blame someone else for the changes

6. How many hours of restful sleep should we aim to get each night?
a) 5-6 hours
b) 7-8 hours
c) 9-10 hours
d) It doesn't matter as long as we take naps during the day

7. What is insomnia?
a) A type of food
b) A type of exercise
c) A sleep disorder
d) A type of medication

8. What can we do if we suffer from insomnia?

a) Take a nap during the day
b) Drink coffee before bedtime
c) Use electronic devices before bedtime
d) None of the above

Our truest life is when

we are in dreams awake.

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