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Introduction to Science,

Technology & Society


1. Define what is science and technology

2. Discuss the Origin of Science, Technology and Society Studies.

3. Cite importance of science and technology.

What is SCIENCE?
• from the Latin word scientia, meaning KNOWLEDGE
• SYSTEM of acquiring Knowledge
• a systematic attempt to discover facts through observation
and reasoning

• a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method

When did science begin?
Where was it invented?
• Science has existed since the dawn of human

• Science may have started among the pre-Socratic

philosophers of the 6th century BCE.
Features of Science
1. Science demands evidence
2. Science is a blend of logic and imagination
3. Science explains and predicts
4. Scientists try to identify and avoid bias
5. Science is not authoritarian
The Scientific World View
1. The world is understandable

2. Scientific ideas are subject to change

3. Scientific knowledge is durable

4. Science cannot provide complete answers to

all questions
technē + logos = technology

the means or activity by which man seeks to

change or manipulate his environment
Examples of Technology
Technology involves...

Procedures for
putting findings of
science for practical
Relationship between Science and Technology

• Science explores for the purpose of knowing.

• Technology explores for the purpose of making
something useful from that knowledge.
Importance of Science and Technology in
Contemporary Society

Military Power
Economic Strength
Medical Well-being
Importance of Science and Technology in
Contemporary Society- ISSUES
1. Human Success and Failures
2. Threats to Human Survival
3. Ethical Dilemmas
4. Disparities in Human Well-being

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