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The Controversy of

7G0 - Tom, Mike, Flora, Cheese,

Copyright © 2023
What is Fracking?
● Hydraulic fracturing
● Method: extracts gas and oil by injecting water, sand, and chemicals.
● Drill a well and inject a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals at high
pressure into the rock
● Creates small fractures allowing gas
and oil to the surface
Basic information
● Documented in >30 US states and is expanding
● In 2014: 90% of all new onshore oil & gas
60% of natural gas
● Cracks in and below the Earth's surface are opened and widened
● Some countries and states have banned or placed moratoriums on fracking,
while others continue to support and expand the practice.
Impacts of fracking
● has been a topic of controversy
● can potentially impact on the environment and human health

Increase in natural gas and oil production Create jobs and economic growth
On the other hand…
● Fracking can have negative environmental impacts:

Air and water pollution Potential for earthquakes

Pros Cons

● Increased domestic production ● Environment concerns

● Job creation ● Climate change
● Lower energy costs ● Large amount of water use
● Tax revenue ● Cause small earthquakes
● Less land use ● Produce significantly noise
● Reduced air pollution pollution
● Impacts on wildfire
● In conclusion, fracking demands careful consideration of its risks
and benefits. We must explore alternative energy options while
considering the environmental and health impacts.

Way to fracking carefully Alternate energy options

Phone number: +84372139796
Github: TenChiThanh2010
Twitter: Chi Thanh Nguyen

✘ Making Slides: Tom, Flora, Cheese, Mike, Ben
✘ Presentation: Tom, Flora, Cheese, Ben
✘ Images: Google, National Geography, Energy Post,
Routledge, Wikipedia, Dreamstime, ….
✘ Information: Wikipedia, National Geography, BBC, IPAA,
The Week, ChatGPT, …
✘ Supporter: ChatGPT

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