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Environment management in means managing the

resources available in the environment in a way which is
used in a way which doesn’t effect the future
It involves planning, implementing and monitoring practices
to minimize environmental impact. It deals with different
aspects of environment, its structure, function, its
quality and its maintenance including conservation of its
living and non-living components. The diversified natural
resources on this earth provide the necessities for
survival of all forms of life including man. Expanding
human population resulted in increase in needs of man
with scientific and technological advancement man
started utilizing natural resources at much larger scale.
Environment management according to (Wilson and Brayant, 1997)
can be defined “ as a multi-layered process associated with the
interaction of state and non-state environmental managers with the
environment and with eachother. Environment managers are those
whose livelihood is primarily dependent on the application of skill in
the active and self conscious, direct or indirect, manipulation of the
environment with the aim of enhancing predictability in a context of
social and environment uncertainity “
Environment management is very important component for sustainable
living. The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of
environment management enables it to solve the complex
environment problems(pollution, flooding, deforestation,etc).
Environment management is essential for
safeguarding our planet’s future. By adopting
sustainable practices and engaging in
responsible resource management, we can
address global environment challenges.
Remember our collective duty of being a
responsible citizen of our country and our
planet, need us to protect and preserve the
environment for present and future generations.

This technical report which is apart of continuous

assessment has been completed and fully equipped with
the helpful use of:
www.wikipedia. Org
Books such as environment and ecology by- Drishti
Environment science book

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