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Namaste India..

the coloured contry a world made of dreams

Realizat de eleva Dragu Andreea,clasa a VIII-a B

The Indian flag

The joy of the Indian children.

Indian ladies dancing a tradional dance

The Indians have different religions and one of them is Hinduism

Lakshmi is the godess of beauty, fertility, wisdom and it is thought that she is the mother of the universe

The monsoon that floats everything and brings with him fertility and richness

An Indian wedding

The scars arownd the necks of the brooms represents the union between the husbands

The Indian ritual of dressing the bride

Indian jewelries and hand paintingthis is called Henna or Mehndi and it is painted on the brides hands and foots

This is Nath, the ring from the nose that is wore by the young ladies after 16 because they are considered ready to be marriedit is putted in the left nostril because it simbolises the feminine genital organs

The traditional costume for the Indian women is the sarithey are very beautiful and coloured

The red line painted on the hair parting is the symbol for the married women and it is named Vermilion or Sindoor

Bindi is the red point painted on the forhead and it means a third eye and it is weared by women

The constrasts between the two worlds that exist in India: the rich one and the poor one

People in the Gange riverhis water in considerated saintand if it is drunk it helps your health

Crowded streets in Indiayou can buy fine silks, exotic fruitsand you can ride rickshaws

In India are alowed vehicles of all tipes and there are not so many circulation restrictionson the Indian highways is a real slalom throught carsthat is the art of driving there.

In India the green colour means the water that gives lifethe Indians paint their faces to express their faith and feelings

The Indian music is very beautiful and divers

and sometimes dangerousthe Indians arent afraid of cobras and with their music they can make them dance

The Indians are a very numerous population

The novel Maitreyi written by the Romanian writer Mircea Eliade is about an Indian girl named Maitreyi and describes the life of the Indian people during the English colonization and it also reveals the Indian traditions and a beautiful love story between the Indian girl and an English man

Taj Mahal is a monument of lovededicated by Shan Jahal to his wife, Mumtaz. It was finishes after 22 years in 1653 grace to the work of 22 000 workers

The Golden Palace

The Palace from Bangalore

The Lotus Templethe lotus is the national flower of India

A floating house

The usual crowd in the big cities

Indian temples

Indian wall sculptures

Indian vegetables

Indian spices

Indian traditional food

Indian exotic flowers

A tea plantation

Exotic trees



A rice plantation


palm trees

The Indian animals

To have an elephant is a sign of pride and richness

In India it is thought that cows are saint animals

A tiger

A leopard.

An eagle

One of the economical activities in India is fishing

The end

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