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Nested class

• Defining a class within another class, such classes

are known as nested classes.
• The scope of a nested class is bounded by the scope
of its enclosing class.
• A nested class has access to the members, including
private members, of the class in which it is nested.
• A nested class is also a member of its enclosing
• As a member of its enclosing class, a nested class
can be declared private, public, protected, default.
• To improve the readability,maintainabilty with less
Advantage of Java inner classes
1. Nested classes represent a particular type of relationship that
is it can access all the members (data members and methods) of
the outer class, including private.
2. Nested classes are used to develop more readable and
maintainable code because it logically group classes and
interfaces in one place only.
3. Code Optimization: It requires less code to write.
Need of Java Inner class
• Sometimes users need to program a class in such a way so that no
other class can access it. Therefore, it would be better if you include
it within other classes.
• If all the class objects are a part of the outer object then it is easier to
nest that class inside the outer class. That way all the outer class can
access all the objects of the inner class
Nested classes are divided into two categories:
1.static nested class : Nested classes that are
declared static are called static nested classes.
2.Non-static nested class: An inner class is declared as a
non-static nested class.
class OuterClass {
class NestedClass {
Non-Static Nested Class (Inner Class)
• A non-static nested class is a class within another class. It
has access to members of the enclosing class (outer class).
It is commonly known as inner class.
• Since the inner class exists within the outer class, you must
instantiate the outer class first, in order to instantiate the
inner class.
• Non-static nested class (inner class)
• Member inner class
• Anonymous inner class
• Local inner class
Member Inner class
• A non-static class that is created inside a class but outside a
method is called member inner class. It is also known as
a regular inner class. It can be declared with access
modifiers like public, default, private, and protected.
class Outer{
class Inner{
class Person{
String sname="abc";
String ename="xyz";
public static void main(String
class Student{
int sno=108;
void display(){ System.out.println(sno+” Person p=new Person();
Person.Student Student();
class Employee{
int eno=34;
void display(){ System.out.println(eno+ "\
n" +ename);
} Person.Employee
} Employee();
void display(){ System.out.println("outer
} }
Anonymous inner class
• A class that has no name is known as an anonymous inner
• anonymous inner class is an inner class without a name and
for which only a single object is created
• It should be used if you have to override a method of class
• It is only accessible in the block where it is defined.
• We can use an abstract class to define the anonymous inner
class. It has access to all the members of the parent class.
• Basically, it merges the step of creating an object and
defining the class.
class Person{
void display(){
System.out.println("outer class");
class Student{
public static void main(String args[]){
Person p=new Person();
//Anonymous inner class
Person p1=new Person(){
void display(){
System.out.println("Anonymous class");
} };
Local inner class
• A class i.e., created inside a method, is called local inner
• Local Inner Classes are the inner classes that are defined
inside a block. Generally, this block is a method body.
• Local Inner classes are not a member of any enclosing
classes. They belong to the block they are defined
within, due to which local inner classes cannot have any
access modifiers associated with them.
• They can be marked as final or abstract.
• If you want to invoke the methods of the local inner
class, you must instantiate this class inside the method.
class Outer{
void outerMethod(){
class Inner{
void innerMethod(){
System.out.println("Local Inner class");
Inner i=new Inner();
System.out.println("outer method");
public static void main(String args[]){
Outer o=new Outer();
Static Nested Class
• A static class declared inside another class is known
as static nested class.
• Unlike inner class, a static nested class cannot access the
member variables of the outer class
• It is because the static nested class doesn't require you to
create an instance of the outer class.

OuterClass.NestedClass obj = new OuterClass.NestedClass();

class Outer{
static class Inner{
void innerMethod(){
System.out.println("static nested class");
static void outerMethod(){
public static void main(String args[]){
Inner i=new Inner();

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