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My dream park is called drowsiness because you can
only enter it, in your dreams. It has lots of trees and
flowers. Some hot springs and natural pools with lots of
animals and right up there on the hill a tree grid with the
most beautiful vie giving a shadow from the world.
At the entrance of the park there are some
beautiful flowers. When we come further into
the park, we will see a spectacular waterfall and
the most amazing mountains
There are two paths, one to the right and one to the
left. If we turn to the right, we will come to a small
pathway which will take us to the top of the
mountain, where there is an enormous tree, where
people can have a picnic.
If we turn to our left we will come to a waterfall, which
has two incredible natural pools, where people can
swim. In the pools there are dolphins, which love to
swim and play with us in the water. They let us hold on
to their tails to ride through the water, it’s just awesome!
When we walk up the mountains, we can see so many
different animals, like deers, bears and beautiful birds.
There is so much to see and do.

If this park wasn’t just a dream, I would be

the first person to go there, it would be

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