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Practical Uses of Mail Marge in Day to Day work

1. To Prepare Forms, Letters & Legal Document Drafts used in day to day
Examples - RTGS Form, Client Due Letters , Clients Receipts etc.
2. To Send Bulk Mails to Clients
Examples – Bulk Mail Sending to Client for Reminder to Pay their
Outstanding Due amount
3. To Send Bulk Invitation to Clients
Examples – Send Invitations of Our Property Fare , Property Expo
4. Mail merge has various other uses as per creativity and their use on
different platforms.
Benefits of Mail Merge

1. Time Efficiency
Mail merge automates the process of creating documents,
which saves significant time compared to manual document creation.
2. Data Accuracy in works
Minimize the risks of errors and inaccuracies by pulling data directly
from data base
3. Increases Productivity
Mail merge boosts productivity in Works
4. Improve client relationships
By Delivering personalized and timely communications by demonstrating
attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs
Demo for Practical Use of Mail Merge
1. Prepare Client Receipt
2. Prepare Client Due letters
3. Sending Bulk Due letters in Mail
4. Prepare RTGS Form through Mail Merge
5. Sending Bulk Invitation Mail to Clients

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