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“Producción de

vinagre por el proceso

de fermentación
sumergida a partir de
alcohol etílico”
Cultivo de Bacterias Acéticas
(NH4)2 HPO4
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Speaking of craters, many of them
and the smallest one in the entire Solar were named after artists or authors who
System. This planet's name has nothing made significant contributions to their
to do with the liquid metal, since respective fields. Mercury takes a little
Mercury was named after the Roman more than 58 days to complete its
messenger god. Despite being closer to rotation, so try to imagine how long
the Sun than Venus, its temperatures days must be there! Since the
aren't as terribly hot as that planet's. Its temperatures are so extreme, albeit not
surface is quite similar to that of as extreme as in Venus, and the solar
Earth's Moon, which means there are a radiation is so high, Mercury has been
lot of craters and plains deemed to be non-habitable for humans
Usos y aplicaciones:
Aplicacion Industrial Aplicacion gastronómica

Generalmente, para prolongar aún más la Se utiliza principalmente junto con el

vida comercial, los alimentos tratados por aceite para aliñar verduras y vegetales
la acción del vinagre se han de mantener en las ensaladas. El vinagre es una
en refrigeración. pieza clave.

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