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Action Verbs

Action verbs are dynamic words that express an action, occurrence, or state of
being. They add vitality to writing and help paint a clearer picture for the reader.
Whether it's "running" or "exploring," action verbs bring energy and movement to
sentences. Let's explore the power of action verbs in communication.

by Conchita Mendez
Examples of action verbs
Progress: "Completed," "achieved," "implemented"
Communication: "Presented," "negotiated," "convinced"
Problem-solving: "Resolved," "diagnosed," "improved"
Benefits of using action verbs
Active and Engaging Clear Communication Concise and Impactful

Action verbs make your writing Action verbs convey your Using action verbs allows you
more dynamic and engaging message more directly and to convey information in a
by clearly expressing the action effectively, ensuring that the concise and impactful manner.
being performed. reader understands the
They help in eliminating
intended action.
They help to create a sense of unnecessary words and
momentum and movement in They eliminate ambiguity and provide a direct focus on the
the text. provide a clear picture of the action being described.
subject's actions.
Action Verbs vs. Passive Verbs
Action verbs are dynamic and express direct
action, while passive verbs indicate that the
subject is being acted upon.

Using action verbs adds clarity and energy to

writing, engaging the reader and enhancing the
impact of the message.

Passive verbs, on the other hand, can make

sentences feel dull and less engaging.
How to Identify Action Verbs in a Sentence

1 Read the Sentence

Look for words that describe an action or a state of being.

2 Check for -ed or -ing Endings

Words ending in -ed or -ing often indicate action verbs.

3 Consider the Function

Think about what the word is doing in the sentence.
Using Action Verbs in Resumes and
Cover Letters
Be Dynamic Grab Attention
Use action verbs to showcase your Action verbs make your resume more
accomplishments and skills. engaging and impactful.

Demonstrate Initiative
Employers value candidates who use action-oriented language.
Action Verbs for Different Industries

Technology Marketing Engineering Creative

Developed, Executed, strategized, Designed, optimized, Conceptualized,
programmed, analyzed campaigns to maintained systems crafted, implemented
debugged software for drive customer for enhanced artistic projects for
seamless user engagement. performance. visual impact.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
When Using Action Verbs
When using action verbs, avoid using vague or overused verbs like "do," "make,"
and "go." Instead, opt for strong, specific action verbs to convey your
accomplishments effectively.

Avoid using the passive voice, as it can make your writing less impactful. Instead,
focus on using active and engaging language to communicate your experiences.

Be cautious of using cliché action verbs. Instead, strive to use unique and
descriptive verbs that highlight your skills and achievements in a compelling way.
Exercises to practice using action verbs

10 20M
Identify Write

Practicing the identification and usage of action verbs is crucial for effective communication. Start by
identifying action verbs in sentences and then challenge yourself to write 20 million sentences using action
verbs. This will improve your writing skills and enhance the impact of your communication.
Conclusion and Key
After exploring the importance and impact of action verbs, it's clear that
incorporating them into communication, particularly in resumes and professional
documents, can significantly enhance the impression one leaves. Key takeaways
include the versatility and effectiveness of action verbs in conveying a proactive
and impactful message.

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