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Developmental Stages in


Directions: From the given pool of
words, identify and pick the right term
being described by the statements in
each item. Write your answers in you
journal notebook.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

1. It is the transition age when

adjustments to initial physical and
mental decline are experienced.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

2. This is the pre-gang age,

exploratory, and
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

3. It focuses on human
growth and changes across
the lifespan.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

4. During this stage, a person

builds wholesome attitude
toward oneself.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

5. For Havighurst, this is when

we learn to meet social and civic
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

6. This is the transition

from childhood to
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

7. A bio-psychosocial model of
development where tasks at each stage are
influenced by the person’s biological,
psychological and sociological aspects.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

8. According to Havighurst’s theory,

what is the age range of those
individuals who undergo Early
Adulthood Stage?
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

9. The age when hereditary endowments

and sex are fixed and all body features,
both internal and external are developed.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

10. Age of adjustment to

new patterns of life and
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

11. The foundation age

when basic behavior are
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

12. The creativity age when

self-help, social and school
skills are developed.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

13. According to Havighurst’s theory,

this is the stage when a person helps
teenage children become happy and
responsible adults.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

14. The age range of Middle

Adulthood according to
Havighurst’s Theory.
Human Development 6-12 years old Later Maturity
Adolescence 19-30 years old Infancy
Pre-natal 30-60 years old Middle Age
Developmental Tasks Theory Late Childhood Early Childhood
Middle Childhood Middle Adulthood Early Adulthood

15. The age of Middle

Childhood for Robert J.
Developmental Stages in
Human Development focuses on human
growth and changes across the lifespan, including
physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual,
personality and emotional growth.
The human being is either in a state of growth
or decline, but either condition imparts change.
Some aspects of our life change very little over
time, are consistent. Other aspects change
Activity: Major Events in My Life
Direction: Using your journal, write the
major events and people in your life
through a personal timeline. You may add
specific dates, age and places. See sample
template as your guide. Be creative in your
Activity: Major Events in My Life
A personal timeline portrays the
influential events and happenings of a
person’s life so that he can understand
where he has gone wrong and right in
the past. It helps to plan the future in
a better constructive way.
Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks
Theory in the most systematic and extensive manner. His main assertion
is that development is continuous throughout the entire lifespan,
occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one stage to the
next by means of successful resolution of problems or performance of
developmental tasks. These tasks are those that are typically encountered
by most people in the culture where the individual belongs. He proposed
a bio psychosocial model of development, wherein the developmental
tasks at each stage are influenced by the individual’s biology
(physiological maturation and genetic makeup), his psychology (personal
values and goals) and sociology (specific culture to which the individual
Activity 1.1.: My Task
Direction: Using the
Developmental Tasks
Summary Table, assess your
own level of development
as a Grade 11 student.
Activity 1.1.: My Task
What are the
What are the What are the
expected tasks you expected
tasks you have
have successfully tasks you have not
accomplished? accomplished?
Activity 1.2.: Be Mindful
Direction: Answer the
following questions, use
the mindfulness guide:
Activity 1.2.: Be Mindful
Is what I want to say True?
Is what I want to say Helpful?
Am I the best one to say it?
Is it necessary to say it Now?
Is it Kind to this person and
Activity 1.2.: Be Mindful
1. Has someone ever asked you a
question that you really didn't want to
answer? How did you respond?
2. Have you ever gotten (or given) a
“compliment” that really wasn’t a
compliment? How did you feel
Activity 1.2.: Be Mindful
3. Did you ever do something to be helpful
that turned out badly? What happened?
What do you wish had happened?
4. Have you ever caught someone cheating
(either on a test or on a
boyfriend/girlfriend)? Did you say
anything? Why or why not?
Activity 1.2.: Be Mindful
5. Have you ever gotten in trouble because
someone caught you cheating (or thought you were
cheating)? What happened? What do you wish had
6. In what other situations have you seen someone
T.H.I.N.K. (or not) before speaking? What
7. Did you T.H.I.N.K. before you spoke? Why is it
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
Direction: Read the
poem and answer the
questions that follow.
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
I Remember
by Abundance C Nwosu
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
Activity 1.3.: Poetry Time
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the poem, what do you think is the current
developmental stage of the narrator falls under?
2. What is the feeling of the narrator while writing the poem?
What makes you say so?
3. Which part of the poem do you relate to? Why?
4. If you’re going to make a poem about yourself, what would
be its title?
5. So far, what is the greatest lesson you’ve learned in life as
you grow up?
Direction: Write TRUE if the
statement is correct but if it’s
false, change the underlined
word or group of words to
make the whole statement true.
1. A personal flow chart
portrays the influential
events and happenings of
an individual’s life.
2. Ronald Havighurst
developed the
Developmental Tasks
3. In Developmental Tasks
Theory, tasks at each stage
are influenced by the
individual’s biology,
psychology and sociology.
4. Middle Age is when
new patterns of life and
roles occurs.
5. During Middle Childhood
according to Havighurst’s Theory,
an individual learns to get along
with his/her age-mates.
6. Use your breath as an
anchor to still your mind
and bring your focus back
to the present moment.
7. Human Development
focuses on human growth
and change across the
8. The human being is
either in a state of growth
or decline, but either
condition imparts change.
9. During adolescence, the
basic behavior of a person are
organized and skills are
10. Based from the
Developmental Tasks
Theory, adolescence occur
at the age of 19 to 30 years
11. In order to foster
leadership, one must engage
fully in the community and
share talents and generosity
so that others will be inspired.
12. Middle Adulthood
according to Havighurst’s
Theory is when one is
establishing satisfactory
living quarters.
13. See life as it is, allowing
each experience to be an
opportunity for learning is on
how you cultivate
14. Human Development
includes changes in the physical,
cognitive, social, intellectual,
perceptual, personality and
emotional aspects.
15. To build integrity, a
person must nurture
constructive values and act
with respect, honesty and
kindness consistently.

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