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Bhujangasana (Bhu-jung-aahs-uh-nuh)

COBRA bhujanga = serpent, snake


Bhujanga, the Sanskrit word for snake, is derived from the root bhuj, which means “to bend or
curve.” The king cobra, revered in Indian myths, can glide forward while lifting the upper third of its
body upright. When you practice Cobra Pose, try to emulate this animal’s powerful yet fluid motion
when you practice. Imagine your legs as the snake’s tail, reaching long behind you as you curve
your spine to lift your chest majestically.

• It helps you find your connection to the earth and ground down to grow roots.
• Strengthens the spine, arms, glutes and hamstrings. It stretches the chest, core and
hip flexors.
• As a backbend it stimulates the nervous system, aids digestion, energizing, eases
stress, tension, anxiety and depression. It also helps expand and the breath, promoting
healthy lung capacity and ease symptoms of asthma and sleep apnea.

Preventive Measures
• Avoid practicing Bhujangasana if you are pregnant.
• Do not practice it if you have fractured ribs or wrists, or have recently undergone
abdominal surgeries, such as for hernia.
• Also, avoid doing Bhujangasana if you suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
• Do not practice this yoga pose during an asthmatic attack.

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