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Types of societies

Hunter gatherer societies

It is an earliest society in which people live to
hunt animals and gather wild fruits such as nuts
barries etc and vegetables. They live the place
where various number of animal present .
Pastoral Society

Pastoral society is a society in which people live
with animals. They bring the animals and sell
Horticultural Society

Horticultural society is a society in which people subsist
through the cultivation of plant or fruit consumption without
through the use of mechanized or use of animals to pull
Agricultural society

In Agricultural society people use technological
advance to cultivate crops.especially grain like
wheat, rice, corns,etc.over a large area.
Industrial Society

Industrial society refers to a society driven by the use
of technology to enable mass production, supporting
a large population with a high capacity.
Postindustrial(information) society

A society based on information, Services and
high technology,Rather than on maufacturing
and raw material.

For Example:


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