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Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:

The apples ___ not ripe yet.
•Rewrite the following sentences using the negative
form of the plural noun:
a. The boys are playing soccer.
b. The girls are singing.
c. The dogs are barking.
d. The cats are sleeping.
e. The birds are chirping.
f. The flowers are blooming.
g. The trees are swaying in the wind.
h. The clouds are moving across the sky.
i. The cars are driving on the road.
j. The people are walking in the park.
d. The cats are sleeping.
e. The birds are chirping.
f. The flowers are blooming.
g. The trees are swaying in the wind.
h. The clouds are moving across the sky.
i. The cars are driving on the road.
j. The people are walking in the park.

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