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Improving Presentations


Examiner Examination
Test of

Visibility of your
intelligence is a function of
your Recall and Speed.
Has no interest in you.

He awards marks at the spur of
He punishes you whenever he feels
that his time is being wasted due to
your inefficiency or negligence.
Facilitate his job. You will be rewarded.
Chase good money first.
One problem at a time
Focus on outcome (Marks).
Remain time conscious.

Facilitating Examiner
•Hand Writing
•Concepts (Quite Fixed)
Hand Writing

Facilitating Examiner
Font Size (Equal to ’14’ Time New Roman)
Reduce Angularity
Keep them straight
Keep space between alphabets, words,
sentences, and paragraphs
Keep an uniform size of all alphabets
Write on the base line
Keep minimum 2 inches margin on all 4 sides

Facilitating Examiner
Start a question fresh on each page
Give enough blank space on each page (30%)
Use a blue ball pen only
Avoid use of pencil, pen (red, green, black)
Avoid overwriting, Cut it neatly.
Use a good quality ball pen (neither bright nor dull)
Maintain vertical & horizontal alignment
Create sub paragraphs
Paragraph not to exceed 4 - 5 lines
Sentence not to exceed 15 – 20 words
Avoid half answers, incomplete answers

Facilitating Examiner
Use the language as per the law book
Use abbreviations only permitted by the law books
Avoid pronouns
Follow Grammar Rules
Common Errors
(Article, Preposition, Conjunction, Subject – Verb
agreement, Singular – Plural)
Justify each statement with specific sections of law
Avoid repetition
Follow rules of Capital Letters.
Spelling errors are damaging.
Write complete sentences, avoid fragments
Facilitating Examiner
Use the language as per the law book
Use abbreviations only permitted by the law books
Justify each statement with specific sections of law
Use visuals, diagrams for expression
Acquire a Cutting Edge
“Quality is never an accident; it is
always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and
skillful execution. It represents the wise
choice of many alternatives, the
cumulative experience of many masters
of craftsmanship. Quality also marks the
search for an ideal after necessity has
been satisfied and mere usefulness
Thank You
0 98 108 27964

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