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Curse 2023-2024
Trimester/Quarterly evaluation:
The subject’s evaluation is every three months and the
qualification consists in the weighted average of:
· Exams (70% of the final mark). Min mark: 4/10
· Learning activity (20% of the final mark).
· Attitude,participation and english language use
(10 % of the final mark)
Exams: (70% of the final mark)

During the trimester, individuals evaluations controls will be carried out. Min
mark is 4/10 to calculate the average.
Each of them can include one or two thematic units.
Learning activity (20% of the final mark)
● At the end of each thematic unit we will work on a question or problem related to
the topic worked on.
Through technological resources we will work on the processing,
selection and analysis of information, as well as its communication with oral
We will usually work in groups or pairs, where collaboration and
active participation in group work will also be evaluated.
● During each didactic unit student will work individually:
- Activities and written exercises that will be uploaded to the
«moodle» and corrected in class.
- Analysis of videos or documentaries and news.
Attitude, participation and english language use
(10 % of the final mark)
This section serves to assess/evaluate work, participation and individual attitude:
- Attendance and punctuality in class.
- Interest demonstration in the subject and eagerness/desire to learn.
- Active participation in class activities.
- Collaboration and active participation in group work.
- English language use.
Trimester/Quarterly evaluation:
The subject’s evaluation is every three month and the qualification
is made up of the weighted average of:
· Exams (70% of the final mark)
· Learning activity (20% of the final mark).
· Attitude, participation and english language use
(10 % of the final mark)

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